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  1. Today I had the brake light switch replaced. When the mechanic was finished and drove it to the pick up site I noticed a slight gasoline smell from the outside of the car. Didn't think much of it since it is a garage. Drove the car, ran several errands--no smell. However when I got home and opened the car door the smell was quite strong--dissipated quickly-- but there nevertheless. No smell in the cabin. Will try again tomorrow--in the mean time any suggestions? 2002 Impreza.
  2. This morning my brake lights wouldn't shut off. Didn't know they were on until a coworker informed me. Lucky for me another coworker came to help . All he did was push the brake pedal up and off they went. I'm thinking it's the switch but it hasn't happened since and I ran several errands after work--each time the brake lights were off as they should be. My question is-- since it didn't happen again should I have the mechanic check it out and see if he can replicate the situation or just leave it alone and see if it happens again?
  3. I'm going to the mechanic tomorrow and will mention the things suggested. But at the the suggestion of a coworker I did the following. With the car in park I put one foot touching the gas pedal and one foot touching the brake. The vibration is coming through both. One other thing--I know this is going to sound like a stupid question but I know very little about the mechanics of a car. Could it be the ABS? It was suggested that there might be a problem with the ABS. It might be erroneously sensing one of the wheels rotating incorrectly and attempting to make an adjustment on the other wheels. I have not a clue what this person was talking about. BTW-I'm in NJ.
  4. I have a 2002 Impreza, app 49,000 miles. I feel a vibration in the gas pedal, more so at higher speeds. I also just noticed that the vibration is occurring in the brake pedal but only when completely stopped. They found I needed 1 engine mount and 1 trans mount and said that was the problem. I had that taken care of but the vibration is still there and getting worse. I know its not normal and this may sound petty but I really can't stand the feeling of the vibration on my foot during long rides-it's driving me crazy!! The car does not vibrate--it's only coming from the gas and brake pedals. Any ideas--I take the car back to the service station Saturday.
  5. The Subaru service station informed me today that cyl 1 and 2 misfired. They found the problem to be the engine valve guides. Mechanic said they "walked out"(?). Whatever that means. My concern is that this car has been giving me problems lately and its not even at 50000 miles. I have no choice but to get this fixed. How common is this problem and why would it happen?
  6. I have a 2002 2.5 TS Sport Impreza wagon, auto trans with app. 45,000 miles. This past April the check engine light came on when I was driving about 55-60 mph. The car wasn't running so smoothly when the light came on. However the check engine light went off, the car drove fine, took it in to the Subaru service the next day and they said there were no codes and that everything looked OK. And it was, until today, about 1100 miles later. The check engine light started flashing and the car was "jumping"--not really "bucking". Just before the light came on I noticed the car didn't want to accelerate fast enough. I had it towed to the service but won't know anything until Monday. Any ideas?? Thanks!
  7. I have 2002 2.5 TS Sport Wagon with about 45,000 miles. I noticed that it started to leak oil so I took it to the Subaru mechanic today. He said cylinder 1 and 3 head gaskets need to be replaced. I never had to have gaskets replaced in any cars that I previously owned. Is this a common problem? I was quoted about $700 only because they are going to replace the pistons in cylinders 2 and 4 because of the ticking noise which seems to be getting louder--they are doing this even though the warranty expired in February, but I did complain about it then. I really love the car and would in the future like to get another one but I'm a bit concerned at this point.
  8. My check engine light came on today--but it was flashing. It only lasted about a minute or so. I was doing highway driving--65-70 mph and the car was running smoothly. When the light came on, I thought I heard some noises. As soon as the light came on, I lowered my speed to 55-60 mph--I had about 45 miles till I got home. The flashing engine light came on briefly soon after and went off and stayed off the entire time. Any suggestions as to what this might be. I will be taking it in to the dealer to be checked.
  9. I have a 2002 Impreza. I hear a ticking noise when I start the car but after it warms up the noise lessens. I took it to the Subaru mechanic. They checked it out while I was there and said it is a common problem--it's one of the pistons (I forgot which one). He said other than the noise it's not a problem. I do take it in for regular maintenance. Is this something I need to worry about?
  10. I have a 2002 Impreza. Yesterday, when I was stopped at an intersection, I heard a gurgling noise--like water running behind the dashboard. It lasted not even a minute and only happened once. I did have the defogger on when this happened. I drove the car again today for only a short distance but didn't hear anything. I called the Subaru Service Department but he never heard of anything like this and suggested I make an appointment to check it out. No fluids have been leaking. Any suggestions as to what it might be??
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