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Everything posted by junkyardgabe

  1. i'd be checking the wires around you radio first i let one of my freind hook up a stereo in my car thought i could trust him aweek later i notice i was blowing taillight fuse's after getting a ticket he had crossed the two wire's that went to the light that turns on in the radio
  2. put it on make people think twice about it . it's alway's good to be different
  3. that and brake fluid usaully only works with rubber seals and gaskets and is a very temporary it will only last a week or so most people usually do that trick in the tranny's its just like carb cleaner in your your tranny if you have a slipping tranny and you need a temporary fix these are only temporary fixs and shouldn't be used on a regular basis
  4. the thing you'll notice the most is the shift moving up and down with acelaration and decelaration
  5. it just easier to change then to fix because there's so many in the jy because they don't break that often that and i can get some from the jy if you need
  6. there's two ej20twin turbo on ebay near the end of the list for $1750 complete including five speed tranny it say that they are 260 hp http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33615&item=2457857623
  7. so what did you start to paint it and gave up or did you find a good deal from pro cause i seen in the gallery you start the change which was a nice color blue if i must say hope everything come's out the way you want it to!:cool:
  8. fiddler- i'd only use 20/50 during the summer because where you are doesn't it get pretty cold there so i'd use 10/30 right now but i'd still add the mmo to it for right now heep70-going to a thicker won't help my did the same thing and the only thing to fix it is the o-rings
  9. do you have a hayne or a chilton manual because they usually so how to rebuild them in there so it should show you how to put it back together
  10. that and let the carpet cleaner soak for a while before you pressure wash it
  11. use some pink stuff cleaner through the whole car if the car does not run then you'll have to either take a hair drier or a small space heater to dry the interior then spray every thing down with febreze and put a box of baking soda inside
  12. or the rattling could be a plugged cat. because they like to break free inside when there pluggged and i've had the cat. guts fall apart and plug my whole exhaust so i had to change the muffler baffles were plugged up and take and shake the rest of the exhaust to get the big peices out
  13. the quick lubes do this all the time because you have to diffrent people working on it one upstairs one downstairs and the guy upstairs doesn't see what comes out so he figures it an automatic so it must take atf they did this to a legacy i bought and it chunked a gear but it ain't as easy to fix as the ea82 ones i got to change the whole tranny it that
  14. make sure you tighten the right cable because there are two side by side one is for your clutch the other is for your hill stop brake the one with the threads facing the engine is the clutch that and if it thread most of the way back towards the fire wall then more then likely the pressure plate is weak and on it's way out
  15. All the ones that I've pulled at the junkyard were non- turbo and they all just slid out. The one my mother's driving, went through two, and the third one has lasted over 100k miles now. The reason the first two went, was because someone had changed the front diff oil with a t f. If that helps any!?! Meeky Moose- have you checked the front diff oil?
  16. yup that was the problem ya they just slide out does the end smell like gear oil i never had to undo the two housing bolts either
  17. if i remember correctly it was in the front final drive where the gear oil is .but ya that the part i was talking about .but i could be wrong
  18. ya and what do you need a lawn for it's winter it ain't gonna hurt will it?
  19. that and you'll want to change the gear oil while your there which will help from eating another one each one i've change has had atf which it's not suppose to
  20. ya the 2.5 like there higher octane compared to or garbage guzzling 1.8 they'll drink anything and like it! and it's best to stick to what the bottle say's about the techron
  21. that's what i meant GD thanks for explaining. not to pull the motor but just to pull it forward and if you have an extra person you could do it in a hour with nothing but hand tools EM
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