I bought a 98 Forester S 4EAT this last summer, and I've enjoyed this forum and the proliferation of similar such sites dedicated to these enjoyable vehicles. It's my first subaru after years of volkswagens, which are also blessed with active online discussion boards.
Today, just by chance, I found something in my car that doesn't make sense. Along the bottom lip of the dash, right under the steering wheel, there is a small switch-type device. It is a push-type switch, but does not seem to be a two-position switch, such as for turning something on and off. Instead, it's sprung, and you can hold it in, but there's no click. There are wires running out of it, but they join a forest of other wires up there, and I'm not enough of a contortionist to trace it. It has a sort of hood around it so you can't easily push it accidentally. I see no description of this in my owner's manual. At first, I thought it might be an override switch to let you turn on the fog lights without the rest of the lights, but unless it's broken, that isn't what it does. Needless to say, I've tried to push it (both while stopped and while driving) and nothing happens.
So what is/was it? A time machine? An Spy Hunter oil slick generator?