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Everything posted by Hondasucks

  1. is the dizzy properly timed to the crank and cam?? Remember that there are TWO TDC's of the #1 cylinder, needs to be @ TDC of the compression stroke. (With the timing marks at 0, both cam lobes for the #1 cylinder should be up)
  2. As far as I know, no, because of the way the sunroof works it would lower the roof inside the car, thus defeating the purpose of the raised roof. Every ad I've seen says that they were not available on the Touring Wagon, but I'm sure you could install an aftermarket sunroof.
  3. "highway fuel economy is generally not as good because the 5mt has a higher gear ratio causing the engine to spin about 400 RPM higher at 70 MPH. The difference varies between 1-2 MPG." yeah but the 30% power loss through the automatic should even out the difference.
  4. well there is a Subaru in the background in one of the pics, maybe that's it. Jamie is a trickster ;-P
  5. You will need an EJ series gear box, teh EA gearbox will not hodl up to the horsepower at all. As for the wiring, you should be able to get a stand-alone fuel management system for it, check http://www.haltech.com
  6. WEll we're gettin snow! Woke up this morning at BajaSoobNuts house to it snowing outside. Within 2 hours there was an inch or two on the ground, thank God for the Soobs! Don't tell Heather but we got the Forester sideways ;-) Got my Turbowagon a little squiirrly too :-) Not any snow on the ground down here in Albany, but my friend says that there is snow in Eugene too :-) and it was snowing earlier, so hopefulyl it will snow here soon, I need some stuff to play in! Plus, I can use my tow strap and drive around yankin the idiots out of the ditch :-)
  7. WOAH Jason actually used a punctuation mark! Put this one in the record books Just givin ya crap Jason... Anyhoo, thanks for posting this, looks like it'll be a good resource for us!
  8. So Josh when are you gonna convert that thing over to a 5 speed? Looks good though, I think I need to do that to my 87 Turbowagon, with the injectors. My intake was full of carbon and crap so I can't imagine what my injectors look like.
  9. I don't see why it wouldn't be, I think all soobs use the same key blank.
  10. Check this out, Subarus on Jones Soda :-) http://www.jonessoda.com/gallery/view.php?ID=155174&search=subaru&offset=1
  11. MY 91 had a badge on teh dash that said "Full Time 4WD" with "ABS" below it. Since it was not really AWD but it was fuill-time 4WD with an automatic viscous locking center diff. (Would have rocked if they had added in a diff lock like they did on the older FT4WD, since that viscous lock took some considerable wheelspin for it to engage.)
  12. :slobber: :slobber: :slobber: :slobber: So where are you getting all your parts? Care to share prices? I'm thinking about building the %*%*@* out of my EA82 as well :-)
  13. So what exactly is a Kegacy, is that like, a Legacy with 10 kegs of beer in the back??
  14. Spanish Fork, I know where that is. Know where Price is too :-) I'll have to check that yard out when I am down there for Christmas :-)
  15. I've driven my friends 87 carbed wagon, and it's about as fast off the line as mine is, but there's no turbo to kick in and make it faster like there is on me :-) She loves mine, but she is afraid with her lead foot that a turbo would get her in trouble :-P You want to talk about gutless, drive my 83 GL-10 I used to have, I remember going over Siskiyou Summit going to Calfornia floored in 3rd gear pulling 55 MPH. Not too bad though, I still managed to get 32 MPG between Albany and Redding, CA (380 miles) Still had 1/8 of a tank too!
  16. IO replaced teh one in my 91 Legacy with a junkyard unit, since I was tired of the MIL being on, but I didn't want to spend $80 bucks. I couldn't get it back under teh manifold where it belonged, so I bolted it in nearby and used a longer vacuum line, worked just fine!
  17. Leakdown tests show the cylinder's ability to hold air. Normal leakage is about 10%, much more than that and you know you have probs. I've seen engines develop compression pressure that was low but within spec, but have 40% leakage. Not good. Although if her head is cracked in teh exhaust port like they usually do, a compression or leakdown test wouldn't show it, since it;s not in teh combustion chamber.
  18. the wagon springs did not increase the height of my car all that noticably, it didn't sit "raked" or anything, it maybe raised it a half an inch to an inch. The only way I could tell that it raised it up was that the muffler tip didn't scrape pulling into my driveway anymore. And yes, the springs ALONE are responsible for ride height; the shock does not support the vehicle weight, it only prevents the spring from oscillating (i.e., keeps teh car from bouncing up and down when you go over a bump)
  19. although I talked to her today, and she says that now it is acting fine, although she did find another puddle of mixed water and oil underneath it this morning :-( but she said it didn't overheat at all last night. She said it got a little hotter than normal, but then like 30 seconds later it was back at normal again. Would a compression check make a cracked head show up if it was cracked in teh exhaust ports? I know there is a check to determine if there is hydrocarbons in the coolant, but I don't want to go spend $30 on a tool, does anyone know if you can get test strips to determine this?? I don't want to tear into it if nothing is wrong with it.
  20. well if you are loosing power you might want to tighten it When my 87 Hatchback started losing power like you describe, it was teh first sign that the fuel pump was going out. If the fuel filters have been replaced, I'd suspect the pump.
  21. Yeah Richie is a good guy, he's never worked on anything of mine, but I did buy a car from him a while back that I never had a problem with, and I've seen his work.
  22. Wow dude, that is one bad arse sounding stereo! Makes mine look crappy in comparison lol.
  23. Hey are we gonna have an Oregon Off-Road Subaru Club tree run this year still? If so I guess I need to get some meats for my sedan....
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