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Everything posted by charlierh2

  1. 303. find the seal rejuvinating post and follow the links from there. free sample mailed to you;) cant go wrong.
  2. yea it is the oem alarm all i did is add the subaru upgrade. wish oyu had gotten the pics wouldve been fun to see...... oh well thanx very much
  3. warning against silicone! i would not recommend it as you will not be able to paint over it. if you are gonna use it be very sure you dotn get any on the paint.
  4. thanx for the heads up on the free samples. heres the link so you dont have any excuse not to try it. www.303products.com/main.php?infopage=freesample
  5. www.overtons.com has ok prices, but it is a boating store so you might get it cheaper other places.
  6. thanx for the heads up on the dealership. so you think its really worth taking the car there instead, there that much better. or is this a state economy booster......?
  7. sry if its on the invoices couldnt find it. how many hours was the $1500 of labor for? that seems pretty high
  8. how much would it be for the new antena? 97 legacy sedan if you know thanx
  9. when you say "revving like mad" do you mean it is running high or the engine is really revving itself?
  10. thanx very much it was at Morries before and they couldnt figure out that the hood senser for the alarm wasnt working before so im hesitant to take it to them again for more problems with the alarm.
  11. what is the best option for a tranny that went to long between changes and is still a little funky one change latter? it has reg. in it now would i be better of with a semi synthetic or synthetic, or will reg. be the same in helping smooth it out again. thanx for any help
  12. Paezb, what dealers do you like in Mpls? I need a dealer who knows abotu the security system and the one i took it to last time didnt know anything.
  13. a little differnet problem here but some of the info might help you hope this helps some- maybe the IAC?
  14. is the 90/10 split the reason that there is different tire pressure in front and back to maintain the same wearing on all wheels?
  15. Is there any reason that if you were using a differnt set of tires for summer and winter that you couldnt use the fwd fuse all summer and run front wheel drive then ( with a little less awd stick to the road feel) and AWD with your winter ones? Would this give you the increased gas mileage and hp to wheels that you loose form AWD? thanx for any thoughts.
  16. wait......... no one has any help with security system and no one is in the area or has any thing to say about dealers here??
  17. ok, ok, ok, is it possible that there is no one out there with ne info or advice? and anyone in the area (minneapolis) what dealers do you like?
  18. Got the Subaru security upgrade kit that was an option on the car off ebay. i did the install and i couldnt get the alarm to set then i remebered that the senser on the back right door was dead so i thought that must be the problem and it was stopping the alarm from setting. well this was all at the end of last fall (i live in minesota) and i didnt get around to rebuilding the senser till today (it got up to 32F and i had some free time). so i went out again today and got the senser working and i tried again to set the alarm and it still isnt working. So in getting the upgrade kit i got 1 good thing: panic mode(whatever that does for me id rather yell at them) But, i now have no security system at all and i dotn even have a blinking light to fake it. Last time the system wasnt arming it was because the hood had been damaged by a towing company and the dealership couldnt even figure that out so i woudl like to try and fix this myself. Also if anyone has a wiring diagram for the security system that might help. Thanx for any help as i cannot put in a new cd player ( it has the changer under the seat that is hard to get at) untill i had a good alarm system.
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