I have a 95 legacy ls(sedan) and I had the same problem kinda. At first when it was cool outside I had to let my car warm up for it to let me shift it out of park at all. then the problem got worst, once it warmed up here in the south, it still did it all the time when it sat for a couple of hours at one time. I have no idea what the problem is but if take off the wood/plastic piece below the shift knob, theres a hole(1/2 inch maybe) in the front towards the drive seat, if you stick something down there it should let you sfift all the gears because its the manual shift release button. I use a coat hanger that I now keep in the car with me. I really can't feel a button when I do it, but it works for me. Then again, I never had a noise when I moved my car so I don't thionk I broke anything where as you might of.