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Everything posted by DriftNlegacy

  1. I have a 95 legacy ls(sedan) and I had the same problem kinda. At first when it was cool outside I had to let my car warm up for it to let me shift it out of park at all. then the problem got worst, once it warmed up here in the south, it still did it all the time when it sat for a couple of hours at one time. I have no idea what the problem is but if take off the wood/plastic piece below the shift knob, theres a hole(1/2 inch maybe) in the front towards the drive seat, if you stick something down there it should let you sfift all the gears because its the manual shift release button. I use a coat hanger that I now keep in the car with me. I really can't feel a button when I do it, but it works for me. Then again, I never had a noise when I moved my car so I don't thionk I broke anything where as you might of. Richard
  2. That's right, and that sucks!!!! The bolt that holds my crank pulley on broke inside of the crank and it can't be pulled out unless the engine is pulled in which case it will be the same price for a new engine. THIS SUCKS!!!! I used my 1995 Legacy Ls sedan as a daily driver and didn't drive it fast or push it hard that much, I have a Lexus that I race, I know the difference of a race car and daily driver. My Lexus is down right now so I've been without a car for 2 weeks, It sucks. I thought these engines lasted forever if taken care of. I've been the owner of this car since 04 when it had 64k miles and taken care of it ever since. I'm just really mad right now and wanted to vent, sorry guys. I posted a ad in the wanted section if anyone has ANY engine that will FIT, does not have to be stock ej22. Richard
  3. My friend has a 642whp STi and this guy that lives around here just twin turbo changed his 03 cobra and he says he pushing 809whp dyno proven but i have not seen the dyno sheet myself so i don't know if that true. Thay wont to race a 1/4 mile race from a dig,i think my boys STi will take him. What do u all think? From a roll i think the Cobra has it,am i right? Please post ur opinions I don't have a parts list for either car,i know the STi is a fully built engine with a upgraded turbo thats not to its limit yet.Don't know much bout the cobra.Please don't ask about parts! I'll post a video of the race when it goes down!!
  4. First of all i did a search and i found nothing,which i found odd because i was told my problem is commen.I just need to know how to fix it. When i start my car and its about 75 degrees or below outside the tranny gets stuck in Park and wont let me shift out of gear. One morning it took about 15 minutes before i could leave my house because i could not get it out of Park.Does anyone know how to fix this or atleast whats wrong with the tranny?Any helpful info would be great,thanks. Richard P.S. I have a 95 Legacy Ls sedan automatic
  5. Thank you for the links and there will be a full story coming as soon as I do it.It kinda sucks what i wont to do,b/c in this case my money is not the problem,its the parts and the know how thats the hard part! Thanks Richard
  6. Hey people,wassup? I'm wont to put a WRX engine into my 95 Legacy Ls,i've been told thats its a really easy swap except for the wiring harness.Is this true? And how hard would it be to make it a 5-speed from an auto? Also what would be a good price for the combo? By the way I did a search and could not find anything,so don't tell me to do a search. Any help would be good.Thanks.
  7. I got a quote on a 04 STi and it was only 198.78 a month for full coverage and i'm an 18yr old male. It must suck to live where you do.
  8. Will lights for a 95 legacy wagon fit a 95 legacy sedan? never seen a wagon so i don't know what thy look like.
  9. Hey guys i just need to know to know what model frame my car has cuz. i'm trying to buy taillirghts for my car but i can't remember if it is a BG5 or a BF5,if anyone know which that would really be helpfull. Thank you Richard
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