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Everything posted by krazymatt

  1. Getting back on TOPIC, does anyone know where the NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH IS ON THESE CARS? THANKS>>>>>>>>>>
  2. Okay, I talked to my uncle whom has worked on the car, and he said that it doesn't click, just nothing.
  3. The thing is when it doesn't start, it won't even crank. You turn the key, and nothing............
  4. Hi all, this is my first post here. I'm trying to help my mom out with her 93 Legacy. Sometimes it won't start, then if you try it again at a later time it will start. My uncle suspects the neutral safety switch but can't find it, and the chiltons manual isn't much help. He said he looked underneath and on the tranny somewhere is a switch, but he didn't know if it was the back up light switch or the Neutral safety switch. We want to find it that way when it does it again, we can try and jump the switch on the spot to see if it is indeed the problem. Any info/advice is much appreciated. BTW, the starter was replaced a few months back.
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