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Loyale 2.7 Turbo

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Everything posted by Loyale 2.7 Turbo

  1. I Kindly suggest you to Look at the incident as an opportunity! I am Sure that you can fix it! I've done almost the same repair on my 2.7 Wagon (Can be seen Pictures & Procedures here) and if you can take your time, That subaru could look even Better than Before. Kind Regards.
  2. So, after searchin' for a good Slim aftermarket Electric fan, Local mechanics suggested me to use the one I Obtained: A Slim 12" Electric fan, very powerful & Fast. I Obtained it on a Local car parts' Store, is "UniPoint" Brand: http://www.unipoint.com.tw/
  3. OK, I'll do that search... I was hoping that there could be a Direct Bolt-on Replacement. Our caribbean Hot Climates makes me to be Afraid about not having the Pulley Driven Fan and the stock electric fan is designed to start when the Temp gauge are Above the Middle as an "Auxiliary" fan because the main fan is the permanent one, moved by the Waterpump & Belts... Also the Electric fan kicks on, whenever the A/C is on. Kind Regards.
  4. I Kindly suggest you to Change the Coil Springs along the Shock absorbers... Also to Keep in mind that the Rear could be Aligned aswell: Kind Regards.
  5. Where could I Find a Cooler temp Thermoswitch for my EA82 BumbleBeast? The Stock EA82 one is designed to start the electric Fan at 203º F while the EA82 Turbo one is Designed to Kick on at 200º F. I am Looking for something even Cooler to swap there, Because I am Removing the Fixed Pulley Driven Fan and installing another Electric fan instead, as you can read ~► Here. So, does anybody know of a Cooler thermoswitch and its part Number or Make/model of the car? Kind Regards.
  6. Seems like it doesn't have Butterfly but it Controls acceleration in other way, explained in their website. Well... I wish I Could, but someone at the AUSubaru forums done that. Kind Regards.
  7. The Prius fans works but the fact that it only leaves ¼ inch of free space demotivated me, So I was able to Go today to the Junk Yard where I Purchased the Prius Twin fans set and I Returned it; they gave me my money Back.
  8. Has anyone already Swapped the Original Carburetor (Hitachi) on Subaru engines, with one of those AeroCarbs, now renamed as Aeroinjector? Those are widely used on Aircraft conversions, but some people are Running them on cars. Here is their Website: http://www.aeroconversions.com/products/aerocarb/index.html Also, I Saved a ScreenShot from their website with info: Here you can see an EA81 with aeroinjector: Has anyone done that Swap on any Subaru car?
  9. That sounds like a Dry / Worn Ball Bearing on the Transmission, or Does the Sound comes from around the universal joint cross?
  10. I Agree! ... in my Own opinion humble opinion, The Best Gearbox & Differential oil is the one Reinforced with Molybdene: Somehow is the Same Black Grease Base that we use on C.V. Joints: (Motul 31721L Gearbox 80W-90 Molybdenum Bisulphide -MoS2- Reinforced Extreme Pressure Gearbox and Differential Lubricant) This Shiny Black Oil not only makes Quieter any old Gearbox, it also makes Easier Shifting.
  11. The only thing I Really Dislike about that, is the fact that it only leaves ¼ inch of free space, between the Spinning Waterpump's pulley and the Prius fans' back. That complicates my idea to simplify things in the engine. Even I Removed the covers from the timing belts to simplify things when I need to change one.
  12. Yesterday I Placed everything Together... Yes the Prius Twin Fans Fits, but you Need to remove the Power Steering's Pump Reservoir Tank to Slide the Prius Fans in its place.
  13. The Toyota Prius Twin Fans... ...Fits, because they're just... ...2¼ inches thick and the EA82 has... ...2½ inches of free space.
  14. I've Changed the Clutch on my BumbleBeast without removing the Engine; I Just detached the Gearbox and axles, and it Slides enough to do the Job. Mine is a 1985 EA82 with the Small Clutch diameter... 2WD. Kind Regards.
  15. I Kindly suggest you to read this writeup about (the EA82) Suspension improvements: http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=110546
  16. Yes, I Agree... I Obtain Better Mileage with the Weber than I Had with the Stock Hitachi; the Weber does almost the Same than EFi. Kind Regards.
  17. Congratulations on your New Subie and Welcome! Pictures Please!
  18. I Kindly Suggest this easy Test: You can apply direct +12V imput to its power line and see if it Moves with the Current; do that test while the Car is Still Cool in the Morning and BE CAREFUL with Short Circuits over the Carb: Could be Dangerous due to the Gasoline. If it Moves, your Choke must be Good, and it could not be receiving the +12V signal. (Blown Fuse?) If it does Not Move: Time for a New Choke coil. Kind Regards.
  19. Front ~ Rear... I insist it could have a loose Exhaust system, because you described the sound as "Bassy Drumming" ... More details of your Subie, any Pics? Kind Regards.
  20. I Liked the idea of having a Good Quality Japanese Fans there... ...So I Purchased that Set, here You can see it over my Subie's Two Row Radiator:
  21. I continued searchin' among more local Junk Yards, until I Found a Slim Twin Fans set, inside a Toyota Prius. Holy Cow! ... The Prius has one of the Worst crowded engine bays I've seen in all my Life, even the hand of a young girl can't go inside there! ... ... I had to disassemble almost all the front of the Prius' front clip (Headlamps, grille, the metal bar behind those...) to reach that area and remove the Radiator + its Fans. This is the Twin Fans Set from the Prius: Made in Japan, by Nippon-Denso; Eleven curvy blades per fan, and 2¼ inches Thick: Awesome!
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