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Subaru in the Rainfroest

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About Subaru in the Rainfroest

  • Birthday 09/18/1977

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  1. hello all i was wondering if there is a way to test my oil pressure gague. my 88 GL wagon was working normally then the other day i couldn't get it go above 45 psi even when i revid the motor up to 5000 rpms. i have let it set for a couple days. and today when i started it to move it. the oil pressure seem to work normally. i have look in the boks i have and didn't se anything that would help. you guys have any idea for test i could do or what the couse could be. thanks Jerrod
  2. i want to punt 14 inch tires on my car. i am willing to redrill the holes. do i need to get the 5 or 6 lug chevy wheels? or can i use other types as well? Lost in the Rainforest
  3. not that i am realy a where of. i most likely done ofter doing some 4 wheeling last week. it was after that that i notice it. i hit a couple ruts purdy hard on the driver side. do you the standing water. i think i would rahter have a new one but my funds are limited right now. and might be cheaper to get in a junkyard. anyway let me know what you think. Lost in the Rainforest
  4. i guesse what i alooking for would be the radius rod. the end peice is fine but the metal rod is bent. so can i go heavier on that?
  5. i am looking to posiblily put heavier tie rods on my 88GL wagon. from what vehical whould i get them from? and what mod do i need to do if any? i would preferre not to do any if posible. Lost in the RAINFOREST
  6. this reason i ask is i bent my driver side tierod the other day and was just curious about it is all. i am going to be replacing it soon and thought i would check to see if there was a heavier one i could puton. lost in the Rainforest
  7. i am looking to put heavier tie rods on my 88 GL wagon. from what other vehical can get tehm from with out haveint to do a bunch modes? thanks lostintheRainforest
  8. i plan on keeping the car for a whileso your right i should go over the other stuff as while. next sunny day i have i will probily do it. thanks for the advice. do any of you have a that section ona manual the you can email me so i know what i am doing? thanks lostintherainforest
  9. how heard it to replace a tierod on an ea82? and what do they usually run at the junkyard.
  10. thats about what i though. he going to hate this because i was right and he wasn't. mainly because hes the ace man. at a checy dealer ship over here. but he don't know a damn thing about imported cars. i can't wait to tell him. if he decides to a head with i will keep you all post. i will try to get pic is i can.
  11. my friend and i are thinking about try to shoe in a 4 or 6 clynder moter into a 1989 gl. and using the d/r tranny thats in it. had this been done or can it be done. he want to put a 327 small block in. i don't think there enough room for it. whats ya all think?
  12. my clutch is slipping a little and i want to adjust it. i know where the are to be made at. but which way to turn the nuts. i may be wring about the clutch slpping to. could just be the moter because of the oil. lostintherainforest
  13. thanks guys it will have to wiat a day or to though. i live in the middle of no where and don't go to town everyday. i will look in the day light tomorrow and find though. would gas work as well?
  14. where is it and what do i use to clean it. i don't have manual except for a partisal i found on here.
  15. for the last 2 couple weeks or so i have been getting oil in my carbe. i have a ea82. do any of you have any idea on what might be casing this and how do i stop it? today i took spfi completely apart and clean it inside and out in hopes of find where the oil is coming from. any ideas any of you might have would be helpful.
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