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Everything posted by Tcat55371

  1. Figured out why you were having a hard time at first on that hill, your steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car. Better get that fixed.
  2. Must of been the weekend for cars to go down. One of our favorite friends wagon is down for the count right now too. I woke him up early to give him a ride to work. lol
  3. Yeah he kinda said the same thing. The Xt up until this happened was only using a quart of oil every 2500 miles. So I'm still going to be the turbo. Will see what he says and let everyone know.
  4. Well I got some more info from him but not an answer yet. Found out these IHI turbos are like a diesel turbo and really dont use a seal to say. He says what could be happening in the bearing is wore which leads to more oil getting in the turbo and not draining out fast enough. Also this would explain why it really does it now that it's cold because the oil is thinker and takes longer to drain out and it could push it by. Just have to wait and see. He doesn't think it's a motor issue thou and that makes me a littl happier. On the other side, my TD04 and pipes showed up yesterday and they look really nice and clean.
  5. I did some more snooping into my problem last night. Seems everyone is telling me my motor may be junk. I find that hard to believe. What I'm Guessing right now is the seal on the compressor side is bad in my stock turbo. My car has 132,000 on it now and still runs like a top. Uses about a quart of oil every 3000 miles. I found lots of oil in the intake last night that I didn’t see the other day and the aluminum pipe that connects the turbo to the throttle body has lots of oil. It was laying on it's side on the bench and it all pooled into a corner on it. So here is my guess: When the car decelerates and vacuum kicks in it pulls oil past the seal and dumps it in the intake causing the smoke. When I step on it and the turbo builds pressure, the seal lets the pressure thru and it's going back past my rings some and that’s what is causing my oil dip Stick to always pop about a ½ inch out of the tube. This is all a guess but the car was still running great with no misses so I have a hard time believing the motor is bad. Just have to wait and see what the turbo guy says.
  6. Yeah I have the TD04 but I'm still looking for other parts. The XT is my daily drive until spring and thats when I was doing the swap. Figured the stock turbo would be a quick fix. Guess I'm wrong
  7. when it gets off low speeds. It smokes out the exhaust so bad that you can't see behind it and it does it when it's at idle or comming off it. When it's on the highway it stops smoking. It's using oil now cause it's blowing it out the exhaust. Cant post any pictures because car is in my garage with the turbo off in the shop. The exhaust wheel on the turbo is NOT oily. If you were to compare it to a spark plug color, it's about the light brown that you want your plugs to look like which by the way mine do. I can't find a reason for this. If I had a broken ring I would think it would keep smoking and not clear up at highway speed. He hasn't pulled apart the turbo yet to see what it looks like on the compressor side but he says it has no play either direction so he doesn't think it's bad. He said to call him in a day and he will take the compressor side apart and look. He also said something about checking the oil drain. I'm guess thats the hose I had a heck of a time getting the clamp off down by the oil pan. I will run a wire down that fitting tonight when I get home. One other thing I have noticed is my oil dip stick rides about ½ inch out of the tube also. The silver alum intake that connects to the rubber hose is not oily either nor is the butterfly when you look down the intake. So how is the oil getting in? Would also think the plugs would not be so nice and light brown or that the smoking would stop at highway speeds if seals were bad because you are building higher oil pressure at higher speeds. I don't know, I'm at a loss.
  8. Just got off the phone from the place thats rebuilding my stock turbo from the XT and the guy says he doesn't think it's bad. He told me I better look at other things before spending the money on this. So whatelse is there to look at? I changed the pcv valve, plugs have been changed and a were not black. Car runs great. Only smokes at low speed or stopped, does not smoke on the highway, clears right up when it gets out on the highway. Anything else I should be looking at?
  9. Hey thanks for the quick response. I will pick it up then. I figured it was probably something I need but with all the other adapting, whats one more thing
  10. For you guys that swapped in the TD04, I found this ad for a intercooler: "used. couple of dings and bent fins; but what do you expect, it came of an 02. comes with the stock BOV (BOV does not have recirculating hose attachment (that thing that connects the bov to the recirc hose)). $30." Is that hose something I need or can adapt? And is that a good price?
  11. Yeah I checked hoses awhile back and they were ok. Mine smokes at low speeds. When you get it up to speed it stops. Had to stop driving it now because it has gotten so bad in town. You can't see behind it. Bought another turbo from a forum member and I'm pretty sure it's junk. Has some side to side play. So did Joey Joe figure his out yet?
  12. Mine's leaking also. Smokes bad every now and then. Did a search for pcv system and didnt find anything. I changed my pcv valve to no avale. Whatelse is there to the pcv system other then just the hoses and the one valve to check? As for having someone work on the turbo, I think I would take it to a shop.
  13. I bought Austin's XT and he ran without them. I have been driving the car everyday for the last year and put 32,000 miles on it now since I got it. I had the idler on the drivers side give out a few weeks ago. 134,000 miles on car. I put a piece of window screen inside the grill to help stop crap from comming in and also Austin had made a pretty big skid plate on the bottom of the car and it covers almost all of the bottom of the engine. Just a pain in the butt when you want to change oil and filter. My old Camo wagon still has the covers and they were a pain in the butt when I had to replace belts last year.
  14. Hey watch the useless SVX comments. Now you need to get 2-2005 headlight bulbs, grind the 2 tabs off inside the connector and then trim 1/16 off larger tab so you can run the brighter bulb in place of the stock 2006 headlight bulbs. Just compare the tabs on the old bulbs so you can see which one that needs to be trimmed to fit into the lights. You will like this upgrade. It was one of the first things I did to my SVX so I could see at night.
  15. I have a cheaper answer and almost a perfect fit. RACE ON SNOW COVERED ROADS ONLY!
  16. Mine ran a long time with them making noise but I didnt like it so I replaced them and the ticking didnt stop. Turned out to be the oil pump on my wagon. Didnt have a gauge, just the light and it kept oil pressure, just not enough. Oil pump was eaisier then pulling the heads again.
  17. The fact that I dont usally see another like mine in a month of driving... 86 XT 92 SVX
  18. Well you guys that know Austin know whats on the XT for a skid plate. Does a nice job and covers the whole bottom of the car pretty well. I just need to figure out how to mount the swap bar backup. Kinda sucks to change oil and filter thou. Have to remove the plate every time but I think it does a good job keeping crap off the roads in the open belts. I dont do any off roading but it does see a lot of gravel roads out by me.
  19. LOL, the XT was doing the samething to me. I used Liquid Wrench and pulled the rubber boot back and soaked it. Works fine now
  20. Well at 130,000 miles I think it was about due. I will let you know how all the new ones hold up
  21. Well as you all know I bought Austin's XT and have been driving it for a year now and have put 20,000 miles on it atleast by now. It has open timing belts. Was kinda handy lastweek when the idler pully seazed.
  22. Thanks for the info guys. I found the thread talking about the swap. The only reason I'm thinking about this is because I think my turbo is on the way out. It starts smoking whenever it wants to. No rime or reason. Just pours out oil smoke and then stops and runs fine. Does this for about 5 seconds and it really smokes. So I was talking to Austin and he said I should check into this. Other option would be to buy a replacement turbo if anyone has a good one.
  23. I'm toying with the idea of up grading the turbo on my 86 XT. Austin told me there are acouple guys out here that have done it and can tell me what I need for parts? Any idea's?
  24. How come you guys are forgetting the 2 small hoses that run under the intake. I had to replace them because one leaked on the XT I bought from Austin. Pain in the butt because you can't see the darn clamp and it had a pin leak right there. Leaked on the motor and ran down the back and really didnt leave anything on the ground. Had to loosen the intake and lift it to get to the clamp. Was right after I got it last Janurary.
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