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Everything posted by Tcat55371

  1. It's an 86. I haven't really started looking into it yet. I would guess a cable broke because it just stopped, along with the odometer. Everything else on the dash works. How much for the dash just in case?
  2. Any ideas for a place to start? Are they cable driven or all electric? Posted in the Marketplace to try and find a repair manual for it.
  3. Tried to make my own last night for my Camo wagon but I can't get the stars right.
  4. I run my wagon advanced and it makes a differance. I brought the car in for a clutch and tune up last summer and they set the timing to specs. I turned around withing 5 blocks and went back, borrowed a socket and advanced the distrib up a little. Much happier. (now if I ever see that kid on his bicycle that beat me off the light I'm goning to smoke him)
  5. Yeah it's nice and I tried to buy the Brat from him too but it didn't happen.
  6. The XT could use a paint job and some minor fixing but it runs strong. Just chased Austin from Seattle to Minneapolis with it. The guy I got the camo sheets from for the wagon was asking me which pattern I wanted for the XT... lol I think it would look good in a spring wheat pattern. Naa, going to just drive it like it is for now. Have to many other projects in the fire.
  7. Well one of these days I will meet up with all of you. Drove the XT to work was hoping to wash it but guess not in the slop today. Time to park it till spring.
  8. LOL Yeah, just about the only state on the trip that did. I hear it's supposed to warm up above freezing again so I think we will loose somemore.
  9. Was going to show with the XT but never heard back from Jeff with directions. Sent email thru MNSubaru.com because I kept getting and error to his juno address. Oh well, maybe catch up with you guys sometime.
  10. Welcome aboard, next thing you know you will be flying off to buy another now. lol (just got back from out there and met some nice people)
  11. Hmm, thought there would be more info by now. I rolled into my driveway about 4pm yesterday. Austin should have been rolling with the wagon down tere around then too. Ran into icy roads, a few car and truck wrecks and one semi on it's side but other then that we had a pretty good trip. Oh, the XT was the only thing that broke down well not really, it only burned out a head light. Hey Austin, where are ya????? Did the water wagon head out right away?
  12. Well it's getting closer. I'm flying out of Mpls Thursday around 2 thru Sun Country and get into Seattle around 4:15. Have a hotel booked for the night a coupls miles from Austin's place, hope to meet EdRach and whom ever else is close. Then the plan is to hit the road Friday am. Looks like the weather in Minn for the weekend is going to be nice so I hope the rest of it is too. byw: I'm following big yellow home so where ever he's going I'm tagging along.
  13. Well I think we both would like to be in Minnesota Saturday night sometime. I'm NE of St Cloud so if we did make it in we could crash there and then Sunday would work. All depends on the weather I guess. I dont want to chance wrecking a fender on a car I didnt even get to drive 1600 miles yet. Austin will have to speak for himself. He knows the cars I guess.
  14. Boy you guys are putting the cart in front of the horse. The two of us doing the driving are just hoping to get back without any issues on time. lol
  15. Yeah, I'm sure he is. I'll email you pictures. jk Gotta have some fun.
  16. Well I hope you guys don't mind if I sit that one out. Besides, sounds kinda boring. All you have to worry about is sand blowing in your eyes and which side you are tanning at the moment. I'm going to have to worry how a little XT is going to pull a yellow wagon out of the ditch after Austin slides it in up to the windows....
  17. If you want you can stay at my place Sunday night and leave from here Monday am if the timing works out.
  18. I'd offer you a place but I dont think we will be back in time.
  19. :cool: In the middle of winter yet... lol Guess a bunch of us are bored. So what we going to do when the roads are nice and it's hot out for fun¿¿¿¿
  20. Yup, pulling out of Seattle on the morning of the 28th. He was going to get his ticket home today for Monday. Hope we make it in plenty of time because they charge 50.00 to change the ticket if he misses it. The ticket was only 70.00 thru Sun Country. Oh well, we should be ok. Having him put a new set of snow tires on the XT so I can keep up to the wagon. Was a cool drive home from work in my wagon. We got about 6" of snow and ice up here today. Man I love these Nokia tires... Thanks again for putting me on to them Edrach.
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