cgar mike
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bought my 88 justy for $1500..recently spent $1300 on repowering "JUSTINE" w/junkyard motor..true bliss to drive her again..for about 2 months..STARTER is out..have to drive my 99 forester..nice car...love it ...I WANT MY JUSTY BACK..anybody know where I can find a decent starter motor for an 88 5-spd 4wd gl justy...???gas mileage isnt the problem...I LOVE JUSTINE!!!!
Must have been a really bad person in a previous life..made a bid of $20 on JUSTY MANUAL (I thought)..told the seller I would send money order then & there..not sure computer is "bug free" dont want to put credit card # in..next thing I see auction over..manual sold to "sergioiii"...for $10.95 much sadness..RONAN sent excellent engine bay fotos allowing me to see 1 component on drvs side firewall with NO vac lines to it..supposed to have 2 lines to it my buddy apparently broke little plastic nipple off side port when pulling motor..then left other line off totally..so small I never noticed the unbroken nipple..can't order one..dont have a clue what it is..can't pull one from wrecking yard there are none out here in new mexico.. AM GOING TO TRY TO EPOXY A PLASTIC NIPPLE CUT OFF OF A DRIP IRRIGATION FITTING.. sergioii..HOPE YOU WANTED IT AS BAD AS I DID..:brow::brow::brow::brow:
I need help..replaced blown motor in 88 carbed justy..carb was somehow messed up..bought another carb thru internet salvage yard..same problem= wont pump fuel to carb..turn on ignition/no 12v @ fuel pump..introduce 12v manually @ pump for a few seconds to fill bowl of carb and "JUSTINE" starts right up..sounds sweet..then dies..my original carb would let her run for a few minutes(without jumping 12v to pump) then start sputtering..if I pulled to side of road & waited 30 sec. it seemed carb bowl would fill back up & we could drive like a demon for a 1/2 mi or so & then start sputtering again...new mailorder carb is dead as a stone unless i jump the pump..I know all the vaccum and pollution hoses arent correct because the cannister on pass side wheel well has 2 vac nipples looped to each other with a short peice of hose..(I paid a mechanic "friend" to pull the old engine & stab the "new" one in..I wasnt there to see it get disassembled & he ended up towing JUSTINE back to my casa) my wife is not thrilled with my obsession..why do 3-cyls need a carb with 5 wires coming out of it????????
25+ yrs of air cooled vw's taught me to check oil..try to change it .too heavy noise for valves..I can live with piston slap..when I bought FOREST she had 80,000+ and you couldnt hear her idle unless you got next to her..gradually getting louder..105,000+ now..still love her but when the JUSTY gets her new/old/mailorder/pig in a poke/$140.00 carbutator FOREST can take a well deserved rest..(I HOPE)..thanks for the input.. MIKE
i've had my 88 5spd 4wd in extremely deep sand that stops most everything that doesn't have a lot of momentum..when it started bogging down I pushed the 4wd button & Justine popped up on top of the sand like it had big wide tires aired down. This is with the "stock" street tires. It's a VERY light platform. Almost 2ft of snow wasnt a prob either..same reason..Ive taken Justine to some pretty extreme places in southern N.M. being so small is a huge advantage..but there is no "low range" gear..xtreme lite weight makes up for a lot of that and be most aware of soft underbelly..I'm having a skid plate of some ilk made up before I do anything serious..but to "get off the beaten path"..just in front wheel drive a justy with a knowing driver can indeed go amazing places..anyone who tells you otherwize is foolin themselves...
who's that dis'n the Justy?!
cgar mike replied to RallyJusty's topic in Old Gen.: 80's GL/DL/XT/Loyales...
leage Forester except hwy,New Kid on the block.I'm an old fart, owned 25 odd vehicles over the years and 2 of the 7 I have now are an 88 JUSTY AND A 99 Forester. I really like the 99..decent power, lots of room, right frisky when you push it..but JUSTINE will never leave my possession..willingly. Folks can talk all they wish...a 3-cylinder???Get serious...well...the jokes on them & I dont mean the $5 gal gas coming. My 88 4wd Gl would run all day @ 70+mph, drove it up a mountain 5-6 days a week(Ruidoso NM)..when $30-40K SUV's were in the ditch (ice & snow) or running @ 2 mph I was humming @ 35- 40 with no need to engage 4wd. Steep ICY asphalt..still front wheel drive deep sand @ lake..starts to bog ..push button on shifter pops up on top of sand..it's so damn light you cant stop it..35-40 mpg..underpowered??raced Camaros&"street racers"..off the line is hysterical..bout 1/2 way thru 3rd gear before they catch up..used to race Austin Healy in Sports Car Club in late 60's fun unless Mini Cooper showed up..MC always Fast Time of Day..my Mini is 4wd & corners to make you need clean underwear..been in almost 2 ft of snow to jump big chipper shredder that was dropped off earlier & had a dead battery..it's so dang light 2 ft snow was like 6 in of snow...Justine blew head gasket @ 130,000 smooth as a sewing machine till then..130 miles a day round trip to Ruidoso(ski resort) at any point going up the mountain I could get a ticket & often ran @ 65-70 (early morn..mostly straight road)..having problems with Justines new transplant but as soon as it's ironed out the Forester will be gathering cobwebs (and I really like my Forester)...guess all those folks are right..only 3 cylinders..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Justy feels like much larger car @ hi speed..fwd?? Forester gets horrible gas mileage ex hwy.LOVE EM BOTH -
just replaced blown motor in 88 justy 4wd gl,mechanic apparently has vaccum & fuel lines to carb all @##@$ up, fuel pump wont come on with ignition key, thought pump was bad, put 12v directly to pump & it works but gas pours out of carb at every orfice.any idea where i can find a good overhead view of 1.2 l engine with air cleaner removed to figure whats hooked up wrong? seems like there's 3 fuel lines coming into carb & i didnt see it get dissassembled. Has using an engine from an auto trans to replace 5-speed motor complicated things even more ? Any source for vaccum diagrams? I hhave 2 different Chilton manuals that are no help..