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Everything posted by 7point62fmj

  1. Ok here is the deal I have a 87 brat and just got new tires on it..(well I got new tires on it twice because i forgot to ask if I need a lift to fit 225,70,r15 at least it looked cool ) and now when I go over 40 I hear a hum like the kind of hum you hear when you pull on to the ribbed sides of the high way, just not as loud and I can feel it just a little bit in the steering wheel. When I turn around a wide corner it goes a way but when my steering wheel is stratight it comes back. Does any one know if wallmart did not balance the wheel right would it make this sound? SOME HISTORY- I dont know if any of this helps but I fixed the passanger side wheel berring last week and I need to replace the drivers side rotor becase it is BADDLY groved like almost through the other side groved and since I am not the first or third owner of this brat I dont know how long the rotor has been this way. Thanks John
  2. Mc brat has he has some picks in his gallery I think. I might be looking in to installing a small 400ish 4 barrel my self that way I would not have a problem haveing it rebuilt right.
  3. I dont know if any one is interested or not but my amsoil dealer was telling me about a service they offer. They sale a kit that (roughly 22 dollars) checks your oil to see how your motor is holding up. the way it works is the kit has a extractor that you put down in to your motor and then fill up a test jar with oil and then you ship it to there lab. Shipping is pre-paid. Then you get back a oil finding report on the wear of your motor. We used to use test like these on our millitary vechicals. If you are interested let me know I can get you in contact with him.
  4. it would be more comfortable to shoot if you did not lock your elbows. It also helps to keep a slight bend in the case of having to engage more than on target. OH well every one is a expert
  5. You took the key strokes right out of my fingers.
  6. Ok I finaly got my wheel berrings done on my 87 brat. So I can now drive it . I am in the process of building my new house in Iowa and I just won a claw foot tub on ebay. Now I got to go pic it up and it is located 200 miles away. I am not sure how much the tub weighs but I am thinking less then 300lbs. Now I am 250 (I have a iron addiction ) and my prego wife is probbly around 150-170lbs soo.. should I have any problems with weight. Thats 710lbs. Also do you think I will have a problem fiting this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6050692158&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 in the bed?? and yes I will be painting over the pink.
  7. This is great!!! Thanks not to sound dum but how do you zoom in? I have already tried down loading it as a target and the file is still to small.
  8. just make sure you don't dent the driver side. I would not want you needing that panel you have:rolleyes:
  9. Just make sure you use some type restraint on the brat seats when you put your 1 and half year old daughter in the back... enough said..
  10. Still new and trying to learn the rim sizes but can some one do this for me stock rims will fit thses tires (I have a 87 brat)- (fill in the blank) you need need pugs rims for these sizes tires- (fill in the blank) might want to add that to the sticky. I know if I did my search home work I could find out the answer to this but if you are going to make it a sticky you might as well add this info in to. Tanks John
  11. AS allways thanks every one.. The education goes on! I think this the one I need http://www.napaonline.com/MasterPages/NOLMaster.aspx?PageId=470&LineCode=MRC&PartNumber=10370&Description=Ball+Joint+-+Lower+-+Front+Suspension
  12. I think it is time to buy a pickle fork. That is what mcbrat said I should do. Also any web links for ball joint replacement?
  13. Some one has to know if the box sizes is diffrent between the two years? I know some of you have more Brats then you do children..
  14. Ok I just did some searching.. by all accounts I SHOULD of done it before posting. Now is there a specific sizes pickle fork?? Also the pins are broken still in the studs. Should I attempt on drilling them out then replacing them?
  15. OK. I am in the midst of a education (I.E. wheel berrings) with my brat. I finnaly got all bits and parts off the berring housing so I could remove it and tap out the old berrings EXCEPT the freaking lower ball joint. HTKYSA say for my year brat (87) that I am just supposed to use a big screw driver to pop it off. Well it is not happeing. What did happen is that I ended up squeezing all of the grease out of the ball joint boot. I tried to use a gear puller but there realy is no where for it to hook on to. So my questions are 1. How do you pop the lower ball joint off of the wheel berring housing? 2. Is my lower ball joint now fubar 3. Is it really a have to, to put cotter pins in the castle nut since I had to snap them because they would not come out:mad: ? (except the axle nut)
  16. You ferry fery funny round eye:lol: I like it but I also like the bug eye 2002 wrx
  17. The quesiton still stands is there a diffrance between a 80-81 brat box and a 87 brat?
  18. wow.. I have less then 100 post and I already found a small sources of dual carb intakes and and posssibly a sources for roll cages..I will not try to break my hand patting my self on the back. Now if I could just learn to spell:(
  19. I dont know if this has been talked about before but they can offer a in box roll bar. They only list it for the 80-81 brat. http://web.inetba.com/autoweld/rbc.ivnu They price ther 4 points at 152.00 Now I have a 87 brat. Is there a big diffrance in the box setup? I e-mailed them to see if they had one for a 87 and this was there reply. "We do not have specs for the '87 Brat. If you would download the form from our internet site and fill out the measurements we could make you one for your '87. When you tell us what point roll bar you want we can give you a price. Thanks." Now the issue is there download sheet looks like it is mainly for cages not roll bars that go in to the bed. Also it would help if you have a brat and could post a link or a pic of your brat's roll bar along with some rough measurments. Thanks Also I did a search so if you have a good link that may of escaped my eye post that to.
  20. I think a ea81 only is arond 180 ish.. heck I can almost millitary press that.
  21. I have justa a bit over 60k on my 87 brat.. I win:banana:
  22. Tell him you will pay 1000.00 - the cost to repair it. Then in the end you should still come out with him paying you.
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