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Everything posted by 7point62fmj

  1. 85Sub4WD vbmenu_register("postmenu_418681", true); EA82 Junkie holly heck that info was very use full. I guess I could weld a arm on the inside and then I would have a tool. Then I could sale them on ebay... aaah naaw .. I am to lazzy.
  2. I can not quite see it in my head but I am sure it will make more sense once I pull them out. (I am a berring virgin) Oh I will being using the htkysa book.. to bad I bought one off ebay last night 4 mins after finding the pdf version here.
  3. Thanks:banana: Oh one more thing my brat only has 60k on it (thanks Mic) do you really think I should get a valve job?
  4. I am going to get my heads decked (and a few other things) for my brat.. I am thinking .025 or should I go .020? So how much did you pay or should I expect to pay.
  5. well here is the tech info on it and the home web page for it. http://ntnamerica.com/products/datasheet.asp?CO_PARTNOSEARCHTYPE=EXACT&CO_PARTNO=6207lu&MANUFACTURER=NTN&CL_PARTNO=6207LU&BEARINGCATEGORY=RBSRD http://ntnamerica.com I am going to order 4 of them and give it a go to replace my front end. 61.20 free shipping.
  6. The orange one on the top wheel berring for a 87 brat the part number looks right. and the unsealed ones show a carter pin.. what is that for. I wheel be getting the "how to keep your subar alive book" http://catalog.drivewire.com/drivewire/baseline/quote.jsp?partner=drivewire&year=1987&product=K8000-21621&application=000168444
  7. so.. not to hi-jack but if I wanted to use a 97 motor with a 90-94 ecu.. could I? the reason I ask is because I can get a ej22 but it is a 97 and I dont want to mess with the whole speed sensor deal. So I would like to use the other older ecu.
  8. Thaks all for the warm new bee reception:) and the info too!!
  9. I might be picking up a 87 brat from MR. Mcbrat in the next week and I am looking in to doing a ej22 swap with this car. My main question I have is what is the big difference from doing a ej22 swap on a ea81 then a ea82? The reason I ask is that I can find tons of post for the swap on a ea82 but I can not find much info on a ea81 swap. OH one more thing.. I dont know if it matters but it has a 4 speed D/R tranny. Thanks the new bee
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