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Everything posted by sayn3ver

  1. Once and for all, i am about to purchase struts soon(monday?) for my 1995 impreza. I planned on using 1995 legacy outback struts with forester springs and my stock impreza strut tops. Will this work? Or should i just get forester strut and springs with my impreza tops. I am afraid the spring won't sit right in the outbak spring perch.
  2. yea, i need to get on that 4wd mode. I need to get my trans flushed first and install a tranny cooler though. I have that dreaded duty c solanoid problem. And i think the tranny gets too warm as it is off road even without the 4wheel drive lock.
  3. Hey, i have an automatic. I learned to drive stick and drove stick for2 years, but when i was looking for an impreza(for 6 months) the only thing local was a auto impreza L. I don't like the auto as much as a manual trans, but its not that bad(off road anyways). My next car and any future cars will be stick tho.
  4. yes, i was looking at these, Maasdam, and Lugg-All. I talked to a lady at te lug all rep center today on the phone. They would be my first choice but their 2ton is $233 dollars and their 3 ton is over $500. At that point i might as well by a winch for another 100dollars or so. Some guy i read on another forum has had one of these wyeth-scott comealongs for like 30 years with no issues. I think for our suabrus, a come-along like one of these is enough for most situation, abit it might take longer to extract the car, but i is postable and can be repaired for a reasonable price. I also like the built in safetly feature of the bending handle. I was going to go for the bigger 3ton puller, but i want more cable and the fact that there is a higher safetly margin on the 2ton(the faq on their website points this out). I'd rather have the 2ton handle bend way before any serious situation could develop. i am pretty sure i am gonna get one of these and not worry about a winch for awhile. So i can use a tow strap or a peice of chain? Or would those choker peices(gloried sections of the 5/16inch cable?) be the best option? i want to be able to go off on my own sometimes and more distance (30+ft is what i assume is a minimum for my personal comfort)
  5. Right now i can't afford to purchase a winch(looking at a warn m6000 or similar in a stinger configuration). I am looking to invest in a high quality come-along. I called around and i think i am gonna settle one of these https://www.wyeth-scott.com/index.asp, particularly the 2ton with 35' single line. M question is, sometimes you need to go some distance to find an anchor and if your good an stuck, you're doubling up the line to get the 4000lb rating. In doing so, this doesn't leave with much line to find a tree. So, how would you go about extending the length? Would you use a tree saver and hook the come along tot hat and use a a beefy tow strap(i am getting either a 2'" or 3" x 30') inbetween or could i use a length of chain and a tree save or what? I don't want to injure anyone including myself. how would i go about this?
  6. So anyways, i started looking for real, legal, offroad places to go in New Jersey, the most densely populated state in the country. Anyways, i have heard from a buncha people since i was little about going to the pine barrens, but it never occured to me where was the "pine barrens" ? Low and behold, wharton state forest, the largest single track of land and home to legal wheeling, was only about a 30 minute drive from my house(at night, with traffic at 7pm...about an hour). Anyways, i got bored last friday night and drove down to peek around. i soon realized that i was gonna get myself into trouble real fast and decided to come back the next day. So i set out saturday around noon, car packed full of supplies, gear, etc, in my stock impreza and headed out to see what i could find. I was sent with a mission to see if there was any good wheeling there for my brothers group of 4x4 friends in full size pickups. I was there all day until dusk and boy was it fun. I didnt do anything crazy since i am stock, on all seasons, bymyself, with no winch and a cell phone with no service out there(gotta get a cb). Anyways, what a blast, i got a few pics but i haven't configed my computer for my digi cam(running linux). I can't wait for all my new goodies to get here so i can go back with a group of ppl and get real muddy. Sorry for the long post, i was just amazed at the hundreds of acres of wheelable terrain in my "backyard". Btw, i got lots of looks from guys on dirt bikes and quads and in jeeps and full size pick ups. Prolly thought i was stupid(i am alittle). Its fun and i like that i my subaru can fit on small tight trails. I do need to get a snorkel setup for some of the deep water out in the pine barrens though.
  7. i called them before anyone replied to my last comment. They told me to call tomorow morning and i can get ssr's swapped for the tsl's no prob. i kept reading that zapar had 28 tsl's and just assumed the 215/85/15's were the 28's(actually 27.7) that he had. my mistake. I was expecting alittle cutting and maybe some washers but i think i'd need to sawzaw most of my car for 29's. Btw, what secret project would you be workin on? I don't plan to go any further than an allied armerment lift and maybe swap in a rear lsd if i can find one cheap.
  8. i am already getting forester struts and springs. I know they will lift it about 2 inches. I am planning on an Allied Armerment lift sometime this summer. But not right now. I have a feeling i will need to call them and switch to 27" ssr's. Its going to suck because 5 tsl radials cost only $459(4wheelparts.com has free frieght shipping right now). 4 ssr's are gonna be $420. I dont know if i want to spend over 500 for tires. Do you think i can squeeze 29's with a BFH? i am worried about not having enough fender to cut to make room.
  9. So yea, i am starting to set things in motion. I popped onto 4wheelparts tonight and was poking around the tire selection. I ordering my struts(forester) and springs in a week(waiting for my brother to get enough money to order his items as well so we can split shipping and handling costs). Anyways, i think i made a mistake. I ordered the 215/85/15 TSL radials for my impreza. I heard good things about the tsl's and they were cheaper vs the newer ssr which i have heard isn't as good. I thought the size was 27inches but i just redid the math and its coming out 29inches. Ut oh. So i suppose my question is, will these clear the spring perches or should i call 4wheelparts and switch the tsl's for 27inch ssr's. before they ship out.
  10. I live in South Jersey(Pennsauken) about 5 minutes from philly. Anyone from this area who would like to get some kinda of meet or group wheelin day together? I don't know anywhere else besides the Pine Barrens we could go to, that's legal. So who's wheelin in South NJ/Philly area?
  11. dry sumps are exspensive and would require you to either have a container and pump somewhere else under the engine bay or somewhere in the car, which some people may not feel comfortable doing.
  12. Does allied armarment make a front bumper for an impreza? I know mudrat does and i am most likely going to go for his, although more than i wanted to spend, looks like a fine piece of craftsmanship. ANyone else make a front bumper for the imp?
  13. occationally new items or discoveries surface, but he's right. And i've only been here a few months. I leave for my spring break this friday and when i return my impreza goes into the shop to fix the front end damage that occured when i had an encounter with my brother's 98 dodge ram 1500's hitch in the snow last month. After that i will be lifting the imp(just struts and springs right now, maybe a lift kit in the summer) and and getting meaty tires. I for one am new and will be hoping for all the help i can get when i start breaking items off road(my car is usually covered in mud right now, but i want to go even deeper). My point is, the new guys, despite how much i searched, still had alot of specific questions that one only learns through experience. One of my posts became a sticky for a week or so. So, i have searched, i read the r200 will bolt up for the most part, but the axle/hub situation is then the problem(and the price of the ARB unti.). I want to just pick up a spare rear diff and weld it and swap when i go off road, but i believe the rear diffs are harder to swap on the new gens(i have a 95) than the older subarus.). Having one diff that is lockable would be a god send if anyone ever decided to start making them. So i think we should just keep asking the companies and getting more people off road in their awd subarus.
  14. they make one for the r200, no? Isnt that a bolt on to the subaru platform?
  15. make sure its pressure treated and watch out for termites.
  16. actually, there is a slight detour. AFter romping around in the snow on sunday(in the rather vast tristate snow storm), on the way home i managed to slide into my brothers rear bumper at a stop light(he has a 98 dodge ram1500) and his bumper and part of his hitch did a number on my front driver side corner(rad support, bumper beam, diver side light and corner light, hood, grille, ac condenser). i will be getting it fixed, luckily, for very cheap with my dad's connections and in addition to the front end damage i will getting my rear driver side quater panel rust fixed as well and possibly a full repaint for very cheap. I also owe my brother money for punching a 6inch lenght of his roll pan in. So i wont be getting any lifting done until the end of march most likely. Luckily, it was a low speed impact of 5mph or less but big steel hitch vs tin can subaru sheet metal = not a good combo. I am debating on ordering a steel tube bumper from mudrat instead of fixing the bumper beam.
  17. i live in south jersey (pennsauken which is right near cherry hill) and would like to do some pine barrens and any other legal off roadable trails in the southern half of Jersey, Deleware and PA.
  18. i just turned 110,000 on mine, i know its not high milage, but i just felt the need to chime in along with all the other 2.2L owners.
  19. sayn3ver


    my point was, the 16 inch wheel is a disadvantage. There is less of a selection and cost more, which is why i am opting to stay with my stock L brakes and might possibly upgrade to the 2.5rs brakes if i have extra cash.
  20. i am talking about the 98-02 forester vs the 95-99 outback since i believe the struts for the newer outbacks are completely different animals. I would think tho, that the newer(04+)outback struts would yield the largest since even they recieved a factory ground clearance improvement to boost the outback in the suv market to allow for less restrictions on fuel efficancy.
  21. Ok. Thank you. I am assuming you had to drill for the OB tops, correct? Now, does anyone know if the spring perch height varies between the outback and forester strut?
  22. I understand i am probably making this more complicated than it has to be, but i don't like to pay shipping to return the items if i cant use them. I don't know if the outback struts will work with the impreza tops. I know the full forester setup will work, but supposively the outback combo will yield a higher lift.
  23. seriously, i am still stumped. I have looked around and around and no one can give me a staright answer. What parts are you people exactly using. The outback is bigger and heavier than the forester, which should lead to a higher lift. If i purchase outback struts, and outback springs, can i use impreza strut tops? I understand the forester ones will fit fine, but i want as much lift from suspension as possible. No one has yet to say if the outback gear will work with impreza strut tops, since i do not want to redrill holes for the outback strut tops. Are the spring perch heights the same on the outback and forester struts? Do they give the same lift on an impreza? The only reason is ask is this is my only car, and if i plan on doing the struts on say a saturday, and something doesn't fit correctly, i for one cannot afford to take the hit and go buy different struts/springs and i cannot afford for my car to be down for an extended period of time. Zapar, you say you are running outback gear, what strut tops did you use? I like the picture of the two OBS's next to each other, the one with the rake. I want that.
  24. sayn3ver


    remember. WRX brakes(the fronts) require a minimum of a 16 inch wheel or the use of certain 15inch rally wheels for clearance. I think this is important to note due to tire price and selection, not to mention the thinner sidewall, of a 16inch wheel. 2.5rs brakes, which are an upgrade for an impreza L(not sure for a legacy) will fit under a 15inch wheel, possibly a 14inch wheel. They do use a smaller disc, but are, imho, perfectly acceptable for offroad use. They tend, from my understanding, to fade quickly in road track situations where constant high speed braking occur. In actual stopping power, both the 2.5rs brakes and the larger wrx brakes are both more than enough to stop lock up the tires(on dry pavement none the less). I for one, in an off road situation, feel the larger wrx brakes with the larger wheels is a disadvantage in performance(in reference to the smaller sidewalls) and price. Now, if we were talking about tracking the cars, i'd opt for the larger brakes.
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