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Everything posted by colin14

  1. alias2035 thank's for that info will checkout MRT. the price of cats here in aus is ridiculas they want a arm and leg.luckily the car does not burn or use oil it just has no aceleration going up steep hills no power but doesn't stall.colin14
  2. have clogged front catalytic converta is there a way to run car without the front cat.car is 91 liberty\legacey fwd auto need help is there a alternative.colin14............
  3. auslegacy apparently its a common problem over here with liberty ej22 engines any subaru service centre should have this stuff they spray into the exhaust manifold and it cleans carbon and gunk on the valves ist not exspensive $15.00 bucks a can if you want to do it yourself the instructions are on back of can.colin.
  4. grounded1, pat good luck let me know how you get on.the only other suggestion i have is e\mail subaru australia and ask them if this sa 549 is availiable in the states.colin.
  5. grounded 1 i found this sight it 's not about subarus but it's cars with carbon and gunk build up and btw i read on this board that legacy 777 uses this stuff (sea foam) i don't know what this stuff is but heres a link to tell you all about it.colin. http://members.nuvox.net/~on.roz/cars/z28/seafoam.html hope it helps you..........
  6. grounded 1 sorry about that SA\459 as far as i know is a subaru product so the only thing i can suggest is . e\mail subaru America and quote the australian number of the product availiable here. it might be another ptoduct number there, it has to be avalable in America because this is an ongoing problem re/ power failure my car is a 91 gx auto fwd i am the second owner i even rang the previous owner and asked if there is anything i should watch for and she said the only thing to watch for is the build up of carbon and gunk because it makes the car sluggish and lose power she also said take it to subaru and get them to use the sa\459 and that fixes it.hope this helps colin.
  7. grounded1 yes big improvement idling smoother,more acceleration,yes there is a notable differance.actually this stuff they use is not a fuel additive it is in a spray can and they sray it in the plastic pipe that goes into the exhaust manifold apparently all the instructions are on the back of can in australia the can of stuff they use is only au$16.00 and they will do it for you for a pretty reasonable price they test drive car after jobs done and give you a report i let them do it because they do it to ej22 engines all the time when needed they do suggest use it every service or six months they also said if problem becomes persistant the car might need a in car engine clean out.give it a try $16.00 bucks here is nothing only $8.00 bucks in the USA hope it works ps/ they also suggest shell optimax fuel apparently it helps clean the valves and other gunk.good luck col.
  8. grounded1 as you know i have the same problem as you loss of ppower on hills i went to the local subaru dealer and got them to test drive the car up a big hill locally near my place here in australia and the same thing happened to the subaru guy no power going up the hill they checked the catalytic converta that was okay he said the problem was a carbon build up in the inlet manifold and valves apparently the ej22 engine is known for a build up of carbon and junk all they did was use there own brand of engine cleaner called here in australia. cleaner upper engine all sa/459. they also recommened using shell optimax feul as it cleans carbon build up . hope this helps you. they also test drove my car after using there upper engine cleaner up the same hill and they said no problem no power loss.colin14.........
  9. new member. have been reading your archives which is by the way great.i was reading the post by grounded1 and i am pretty sure i have his problem no power going up steep hills can any one tell me how would you find which catylytic converta is the problem one. front or back.do you have to replace it with anything or can you go without it what do you do hopo i have explained it ok i do need help not to mechanicly minded....tia.colin14
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