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Everything posted by djkindt

  1. And what about tomorrow?? I need to do something, I don't care what it is. Jayden is home for the week, and all my buddies left for summer!:-\ Need... entertainment....Must.... cut something.
  2. yeah, Maybe we can take the hacked up wagon somewhere... maybe not. I'd like to try though!
  3. heh heh, Well, now there might actually be somebody on there to talk to!
  4. For a long time, there were no administrators to approve anybody's account. But the guy's back, so if you are interested: http://subarujusty.proboards20.com
  5. Yeah, it's kind of addictive. You just take a screen shot, then I went into photoshop and deleted the background. But it looks fine if you don't. Here's how to do it: -On my computer, its a button at the bottom between Ctrl and Alt, labeled: Fn -Hold that button and hit the 'print screen' button -that copies the screen to the clipboard, so you can paste it into a photo editing program (anything will work really) and crop it down. You can even use Paint, or probably even MS Word. What are you asking for your ms setup? Where can I see your vr6 rabbit?? I absolutely love vw's (maybe even more than subies... don't hate me). I love, rabbits, MKII Gti's, and especially my ol' split window bus. Shoot, I even love my girlfriends vr6 jetta. It beats the hell out of any of my cars!
  6. Could you just strip the wires and put a wire nut on them? It would be permanent! Otherwise, I'm not much of an electrical guy. I can usually figure things out okay, but I don't have extensive knowledge in that area (or any area really...) Yeah, I have a Chilton manual for subarus 85-92 and it is awful.
  7. Okay, I disected my switch, and figured out what I need to do: It isn't just a simple two-way "on-off" switch. I thought that it would be, and 4wd would be "on", and 2wd would be "off". It's actually a switch with two "on" positions and a common (ground I guess?). Time to head to radio shack!
  8. Sounds good Andy, As for me, I can't wait for tomorrow. It's finals week, and I feel like cutting something up to relieve stress. You up for it Scott?? How about we bob the rear end of the red beast?? Or whatever you have in mind would be fine.
  9. That is strange, my car had the connecting rod throught the block issue as well, and I have heard of several other similair cases. Is this due to their faulty oil pumps? Hey! Megasquirt arrived in the mail today. I'll start assembling it as soon as I can
  10. Hey Matt, Thanks for getting back to me! Whenever you have time is fine. Thanks, Dylan
  11. A wiring diagram would be nice. Basically, there is a red, white and yellow wire. The red and yellow have juice when the key is on, and the white does not. I'm trying to get my 4wd to engage by installing a simple switch. I already cut the wires, so no turning back now! Thanks for your help. Dylan
  12. I don't have one, but you might have better luck in the for sale section. UPDATE on my turbo project: -oredered megasquirt, should be here this week! I have almost everything else that I can think of, except the cone filter I bought was too small.
  13. Here's a picture of my dream bunny. Would like it to have a 16v, or even an 2.0 8v. I don't really care. vr6 would be nice, but it's a little heavy for this car I think. Anyway, I can't see this happening anytime soon:
  14. Hey Sako, That's a sweet looking 2002 you have there. We have a few as well, but none are that nice. (Hopefully someday) -69 '02 -74 '02 (for sale soon) -72 tii I love 'em!
  15. Thanks for the compliments guys! Yeah, the 4wd button rattled pretty bad when I was on the freeway. I'm going to miss having it right there on the knob, I will put a switch on the very front of the center console near the floor. I'll post a picture of that too when it finish. Shouldn't be too hard at all. Thanks again!
  16. JDM momo wheel of off a Legacy. Also, momo gearknob and pedals. The wheel was kind of a pain to make work, but it looks good I think. Thanks for all who helped me get my old wheel off! And Thanks Scott for helping me put this one on!
  17. We'll have to start LOWERING our subes... How about 22mm off the ground.... oh yeah.:cool:
  18. You can count on it! It's super nice out today. Hopefully it holds out. See you at 7.
  19. Yep! That's what I'm talking about. they are pretty slick, in fact... I bought a second one and I don't really know why... . Oh well, I'm sure I'll find a use for it sometime. I like the look a lot more than the full on race steering wheels. Anyway, I was thinking I would have to do some welding. I suppose it would be easier to weld the wheel than weld the steering column... Thanks for the tip!
  20. How would you recommend doing it?? I'm going to do it one way or another, so don't try to convince me otherwise! I bought a JDM momo wheel from a legacy and I want it to fit the EA81. but the splines are different. Any thoughts? Thanks! Dylan
  21. Yeah, I know that some places sell already assembled units though. I will probably go with the $134. I'm ready to start.
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