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Everything posted by ben--ny

  1. what if you take out tubro pistons put in a delta cam and 9.5 ea71 pistons. and aftermarket computer with ingition control get rid of the distributor run 4 coils 1 for each plug off a crank sendser. and mulit point efi would be cool right???? ps :tuned exhaust
  2. ross what year car did your motor come out of mine 2 are 1984
  3. ross ,good luck i just bought 2 ea81t going to have some fun rebuilting them this winter!!!!!! ps more pics more pic please
  4. they are great to fly, they are the dirt bike of the sky, hard to kill these little ea81 they run well, i can cruise at 70 to 80 mph and the best part is no cops, stop signs or lights lol lol lol
  5. hey gents heres my buddies ea81 subie on his gyro the prop is spining
  6. jon do you have a bunch of tires for sale in that brat lol i live in walden i stop yesterday and ask if it was the car or the tires forsale lol lol lol smallworld here's my subie ea81 on the back of this !!!
  7. HOWDY, tubone, and northguy i cant post a picture i dont have that option available to me
  8. hi names ben, i live in ny i fly gyrocopter with an ea81 on the back
  9. does anyone know the horsepower and weight of ej 18 ?? thanks ben
  10. does anyone know the horsepower and weight of ej 18????? thanks ben
  11. hey guys ,i'm sure someone out there in subie land, out there can let me know it i can do this or not thanks ben
  12. http://www.rotorcraft.com/forums2/fileattachments/IM000807.JPG
  13. hello the question i got is this, can you put ea82 turbo heads on a ea81 to make it mpfi???. thanks ben
  14. skip, thanks for the help with the pic's and your right i got to get a muffler on it . ha ha ha
  15. hey guys, here a picture of my gyrocopter. on the back i have a ea81 with a weber carb on it. problem is when flying at certain temps the carb developes ice and stops the flow of gas!!!! ( not good a 1500 feet ha ha ha ) . question can i put efi on my ea81 that would stop the carb ice. would a ea82 efi fit it and where might a find it and a ecu. thank ben
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