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Everything posted by mdjdc

  1. How much height wouold you gain woth the forrester struts? Any mods need be done to put them in?
  2. There are severa of these in the local JY and I can get one for each of you if you'd like. Let me know.
  3. The only difference between the hoods is the scoop and you could retro fit the scoop to the 96 hood if you wanted. The problem with your present hood may be fitment and you may have a latch problem too. That is probably why it popped open. You are lucky that you didn't shatter your windshield. I'm also surprised that you didn't bend the hood up over the roof too. A friend of mine had his let go and his hood was destroyed and so was his windshield. Let me know if you decide you want the 96 hood. It will fit your car without any problem. I think it will look better too.
  4. What color are you looking for? I have a green one from a 96, so it doesn't have the scoop and I may have a line on a white one with the scoop. You are in wilmington NC or Del? Not too far so you could drive down and get the hood and we could even look at your brakes while you are here. Take the front wheels off and pull the rotors. Look at the tone rings and make sure one of them didn't get broken. I'll bet one is missing part of the ring. If you do have a problem with the ring, there is a JY nearby that I can get an entire hub to replace yours. That is the easiest way to fix the problem. Otherwise, you have to disassemble the hub to get to the tone ring a real PIA.
  5. How did the axles affect your ABS? The only difference between the late 90's and the early 2000's was that they moved the abs tone ring to the axle in the 2000 models. If he put those on your car you still have the correct rings on the hub and your abs should run just fine. Is your ABS light on? If it is, then he probably damaged the tone ring or the sensor on the hub. I just cannot see how the axles could be at fault. More info please.
  6. I have done this job before. ou can easily unbolt the compressor (not the condensor) and move it up and out of the way. Fikx the cam cover gaskets and then put the compressor back it. It is very easy to do. As far as the system is concerned, I am willing to bet the farm that all you need is some freon. Charge it up and you should be good to go. Good luck
  7. When you figure out what the problem is, I have a power steering system on hand. let me know what parts you need.
  8. The switch is on the passenger side of the tranny. Look where the shifter cable goes and you will see a big black plastic box of sorts. That is the switch. I'm not sure what wires impede the starter. Someone eles will have to jump in on that one. I know one guy that had his lock up due to corrosion and he could see the fingers of the switch bent. He replaced it and all was fine.
  9. You are correct in thinking that the neutral safety switch can be causing this problem. Check the starter and then you mey have to do the switch. If you need a new one, I have a used one that you can have for cheap. By the way, you can follow the hot lead from the battery to the starter and use a screw driver to jump that lug to the small spade connection for the starter to engage. Much easier than running extra wires. Use a screw driver with an insulated handle though and be sure the ignition is in the run position. My feeling is, that if you are getting no response from the starter at all, then you probably have a problem with the switch. Not an uncommon problem.
  10. I have a 99 forester and I have the same problem. My problem only occurs during the snowy season and I assume it is due to all of the moisture boought in on my and my passengers feet. Once the snow leaves, the problem is gone. If you only have the problem during the snowy season and you aren't getting any coolant smell, I wouldn't think you have a bad heater core. Some of these cars are so well sealed that the moisture cannot get out. Use one of the Dap Rid containers. Place it under the driver or passenger seat and it will absorb the moisture and helpo you keep the fogging to a minimum.
  11. I believe his problem is that the gas guage reads empty all the time even when he has gas in the tank.
  12. I would bet anything that your door switches are going bad. I have those too. Which door is giving you the problem? I can pul that switch for you or I can get you all four if you want them. Mike
  13. If you need a set of struts, I have a set of four in good shape. They are complete with springs and tops, ready to install. Let me know
  14. I can do a head gasket in a day, but I have done several. It isn't beyond the abilities of the shade tree mechanic. If you have never done one before, I would plan on a weekend, of getting the engine out and rolling the car out while you work on the engine. You will need the step by step order for the replacement and torquing the gaskets is a different sequence than most cars. If you want help or some guidance I can PM you my phone number and I can talk you thru the steps and what you should have on hand before you even start. Above all, use only subaru headgaskets. Trust no others or you will be doing the job again. Mike
  15. That is s good thread. Thanks for the link. I think the radioshack bulbs should be just fine. personaly, I have bought the dealer bulbs and replaced them with those. So far, no failures. As far as the switch bulbs, I just get those from my local junk yard and they don't even charge me for them.
  16. I know how you feel, We have been inundated with snow for the last two weeks. I can't wait for my kids to go back to school. let me know if you need any help. I can PM you my phone number and I can talk you thru it.
  17. Yeah, I offered since I didn't know what you had there in the way of junk yards. Let me know what you need and I can pull it for you.
  18. I was working on my wife's 88 GL-10 wagon in the front of our apartment. We weren't suppose to work on them in the parting lot so I was a bit distracted. I had to remove the crank pulley to get down to the covers and when I replaced it I forgot to take the rachet wrench off the bolt. Needless to say, when I started the car up the wrench unscrewed the bolt. Now this was my wife's car and now the threads in the crank were all mucked up, not to mention that the bolt was screwed up too. My wife was non too happy with me for putting her car down for several days while I found a fix for the problem. The bot finally went back in, but it never did come back out. I later ended up replacing the engine after she blew another head gasket. Blasted turbo's
  19. Could you post a link to the LED thread. Next time I have to do this I'd much rather use an LED than another bulb.
  20. It is under the gear selector. Pull the console up and then remove the shifter handle. Now unscrew the shift indicator and you can get to the bulb. It is a 194 bulb. I just replaced on for my sister last week. A bit of a job, but not too awful bad.
  21. Which ever way you decide to go, I have a spare compressor and I can pull the clutch for you. Let me know if you need the parts.
  22. The fuel isn't getting to the cylinders. Pull the hose from the fuel filter to the fuel rail and have someone turn the car over. I'll bet there is no fuel coming out of that hose. If that is the case, then you will need a new fuel pump. If it does give you fuel, I'd bet that you have gas that is just too old. it won't ignite and burn and therefore you will not get the car started. Youu will have to drain all of the old gas and fill her up with good stuff. Having worked on many of these cars, I can tell you that the overheating problem is due to bad headgaskets. Don't go thru all of the hassles of trying to figure it out. Just pull the engint and replace the gaskets. You will then have a great car to drive. Good Luck
  23. I have one in a block that I can sell to you for cheap. make me an offer. It will fit in a small box, so shipping will be minimal.
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