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Everything posted by akjruthies

  1. How can I tell if it is the fuel filler pipe or not? It leaks whether it is idling or not. How do I access the f.f. pipe?
  2. Help! My '97 Outback is leaking fuel! The fuel pump was relaced about two weeks ago. Since then the tank hasn't been any fuller that 1/2 tank. However, I had been smelling fuel on the passenger/rear side of the car (same side as the pump and the fuel filler nozzle). I filled up the tank today and now it is leaking fuel all over the place! I cannot tell where it is leaking. It seems to be leaking and then running down across the bottom of the car and dripping on the driver/rear side of the car. Any suggestions?
  3. Yes.....I do have fuel No, I do not hear the fuel pump when I turn the key. However, power IS getting to the pump.
  4. Hey! The boob was running fine last night. The tank got down to 'E', and I put about 3 gallons of fuel into the tank. I drove away from the g station and it ran fine. I ran around and did a couple of errands this morning and the car was still running fine. I parked and ran into the grocery store for about 5 minutes, came back out, and started the car up. I started to back out of my space and the car kept running, but when I gave it gas....nothing. I tried to pull forward....gave it gas....nothing. It rattled and shook. It died. I started it. I gave it gas, but nothing. It died. It was sputtering and spitting terribly bad, and the car was rattling and shaking. I was able to get my car backed into the space behind me. I started it up again and tried to give it some gas....nothing just rattling and shaking. Then the car wouldn't even start. It tries to turn-over, but there isn't any fuel getting through. Help?
  5. Thank you both for the reply. Porcupine73.....So, the thermostat housing and the water pump are on the bottom of the engine of a '96 Outback? Also, the piece I described is not plastic. The piece that the large radiator house comes down and connects to is metal (or at least it sure looks like metal). The hose clamp that connects the large hose to this metal (piece) is tight. But, I start seeing the leaks where the 'elbow'/short metal piece connects to something else. I mainly want to make sure that I can top my coolant off and make the drive home. I can't do anything to the car until I get back to Anchorage (150 miles away). Think it'll be alright to drive if I keep an eye on it? THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Hi, I noticed today that my '96 Outback is leaking coolant. I crawled underneath to try to see where it is coming from......and......I am not sure. I can see where it is coming from, but I do not know what 'part' of the engine it is. The lower radiator hose comes down to the lower engine and connects to a metal 'elbow' looking part that is about 4" long before there is a gasket space where it connects to something else. Is this the thermostat housing......?????? I do not want to sound like a complete moron.....but I do want some help with this...PLEASE (?) ! What 'parts' / gaskets can coolant leak from in the lower engine close to the large radiator hose?? It is not coming from the head gaskets...that much I do know. The cooland is coming from a smaller part/gasket that is connected to the large/lower coolant hose. Please help if you can. Thank You!
  7. A year or so ago, I was told that my '97 Outback is slowly leaking oil from the differential vent. It has been 'topped off' a couple of times to ensure that the differential is full. I was told that I did not have to have the vent replaced right away. (Does this sound right?) Within the past 4-5 days I have been noticing a quarter to silver dollar size spot of oil on the pavement after I have been parked for a short while and the differential looks wet. Previously, I was seeing no oil on the pavement only spewed all over the differential itself. My car seems to be driving just fine, but I am becoming more and more concerned that this could turn into a bigger problem. What are the consequences of not getting this fixed right away? Could this lead to bigger and uglier problems? Thanks!
  8. Hi All, I have a 1997 Legacy Outback. My passenger side headlight started fading last week, so I bought a new one (did not touch the bulb while installing) and thought that would be the end of the problem. The new headlight was very dim as well and the "brights indicator" on my dash was showing that my brights were on but, they were not. My driver side fog lamp is also out. Then I noticed that the bulb socket for the headlight was sort of fried, so I bought a new socket and replaced the old socket with the new. But, that did not remedy the problem either. Any ideas?
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