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Everything posted by tidd1340

  1. Im talking about the tensioner pulleys on the alt/ps belt and the ac belt.
  2. Are they both the same pulleys? (AC and acc. belt) Got a rattle and belt squeal starting and I'm thinking its those.1996 Legacy 2.2
  3. Thanks.The idea was to do a quick swap so the car wasnt down,but I think ill just swap them.Any idea as far as NAPA part #'s?I can get deals through a local one with no tax.Is it a kit with bearings and seals,or seperate items.
  4. I want to pick up a used hub and put new bearings in it,then just swap out hubs.My car is an 89 GL 4dr sedan 1.8 with a D/R 5 speed.What years would the front hubs interchange? I need the drivers side if anyones selling one that would fit.
  5. Im looking at this in the morning.170,000 miles http://rochester.craigslist.org/car/517791765.html
  6. AWD with auto.What are some good and bad points on the 2.2? from what Ive read these are reliable.Are they prone to oil leaks?
  7. What would be a fair price on this? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180195576553&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:MOTORS:1123#ebayphotohosting
  8. If you guys had 3000 to spend,what would you be looking at as far as Subarus go..would like imput.Will be used as a daily driver doing 75 miles a day 5 days a week.Prefer 5 speed.Need for Buffalo winters.Lookig for year/model likes and dislikes..thanks!
  9. 1996 1.8L 5 speed..118,xxx..Car is in Philly.How do these compare power wise to an 89 gl with the D/R.Impreza ride better?
  10. Yea,I had an automatic and it was tough to merge.I have a complete D/R set up(its in my daily driver).Is it a tough swap?
  11. Kind of interested... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=005&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=150190952890&rd=1
  12. just kidding http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=007&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=170174856136&rd=1
  13. Mine is an 89 GL 4 dr sedan..thanks for the tips.Whats an aprox. cost to transport a car across country?
  14. This is going to be the last winter on my 89 GL.The NY winters are killing the body.I want to swap the engine and D/R 5 speed into a better car.I would like this to be as close to "plug and play" as possible.What years would I look for? Do PA. cars tend to rust as bad as NY cars do? Im trying to look as close to NY as possible.
  15. 89 D/R 5 speed..repaced them but I didnt tourque the stud/bolt that goes through the crossmember..should I?
  16. Gave up on used ones..found these guys.Needed for my 89 GL d/r. http://www.findusedparts.com Got NEW mounts shipped to NY for 68.00..great people to deal with.
  17. They have the mounts i need for 41.00 ea. plus free shipping. http://catalog.eautopartscatalog.com/autopartsplace/wizard.jsp?PBJ=071103_184914_0651893157_APP&year=1989&make=SU&model=LOY-4WD-001&category=J&part=Transmission+Mount&appTransmissionType=Manual
  18. Thats what i figured..i will do them if i have to go that far. I didnt know if i could just pull the pump off by itself..thanks.
  19. Can you do the o-rings in an EA82 without having to do the belts? Mine are in great shape,i just have bad leaks..thanks!
  20. I need them for my 89 GL. D/R 5 speed..does Rock auto sell them? i see nothing in tranny section,but different items in engine mounts section..any ideas or part #'s?
  21. Thanks for the ifo..i see alot of oil underneath..these are leakers to?
  22. Does anyone know what the "manual" button by the auto shifter does?
  23. There is one for sale near me..seems real solid.Its an automatic ,wagon..what are the big differences between the 92 and my 89 GL. I like the 5 speed dual range i have now,but rust is killing it.I had an 88 that was an automatic,and i hated the power of it.At least with the 5 speed i can wind it up.What should i look good or bad? Is it still an EA82? Any better in the power dept.?
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