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    Minneapolis, MN
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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. I'm clearly a newbie here - just wanted to get some advice on the best place to service my '02 Outback 3.0 in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. She's guzzling some serious gas and it feels like a good spring cleaning is in order...I'm born suspicious of dealers, and would appreciate any thoughts on a top notch Subaru aficianado in the area. Thanks!
  2. GBHRPS-Thanks so much for your help and advice on this. Between you and Brus Bros, I think I have enough information to give it a good shot. Thank you again - you've convinced me once again that I will need to own a Subaru for the rest of my driving days.
  3. Thank you for your encouraging note! I checked out my sunroof, and found that the front corners of the rear sunroof have the rubber corner pieces. However, I did not find sealant along the edges of the sunroof opening. If I were to apply sealant along the edges, I think the sunroof steel might not close properly as the sunroof rolls forward and is then pushed up to close. Is there a thin enough sealant to apply? If so, what would you recommend? Alos, if I do chicken out and go to the dealer for the fix, what is the TSB you talked about? The gentleman who replied previously mentioned a service bulletin and I wonder if my dealer would be aware of the fix. Thanks again for your help.
  4. After our first heavy rain here in MN, my '02 Outback began dripping water from the front cabin light which is directly above the rearview mirror. Odd. I suspect my sunroofs are clogged with gunk and need to be flushed out (I've got a front and rear sunroof). What is the recommended procedure to flush out the drains? Where are the drains? Could I just fire a regular garden hose with decent pressure down the holes and hope for the best? Or should I bring it to the dealership and have them do the work and charge me the usual arm and a leg? Thanks for any advice!
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