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Everything posted by Danbob99

  1. I also posted on this quite a long time ago, i think i posted that i had some where in the 90k mile range... the speedo quite working for a good six months, but i still managed to get up to 108k miles...
  2. Good times guys... thanks for all the fun...wish i would have been able to take my car out on the trails...like my paint to much though Look forward to next year, hope i don't have to wait till then to see every one again.
  3. Well, rwd...i guess if you can manage to keep your foot out of it you'll be alright...i was using a 3.7 push botton 4wd single range trans. The gears in the back that the fork slides over to enage the rear wheels ended up shearing all the teath off each gear...made the car absolutley immoblie. I took pics when i tore down the tranny, around here somehwere...i can look for them. and samo...keep an eye out at the nissan meets...i'll usually be there. i was at golden gardens...spotted your wagon, i think...
  4. i look forward to it. getting excited for wcss, going to be a good one this year...i can feel it... alright, it being after 3, and i have to get up in a couple hours for school, i'm going to crash, talk to you all in the morning...good to be back around the board for a while
  5. hehe, i avoided shots of the rear, it has steel wheels on it right now, till i get tires mounted on my other two wrx wheels, and the back end is still way jacked up, working on a set of coil springs for the back to bring it down a few inches (its got a good fist tall wheel gap in the back ) i can take and post a pic still though, be good for a laugh
  6. Havn't been around for a while...been dedicating most of my time to my car and work, school etc... since you last saw me i've... gone through 2 transmissions....fyi, rear wheel drive is not a good idea:rolleyes: swapped my entire rear subframe new front struts, (jdm gf8 stuff (thanks corcky)) new tie rod end fr...(met a curb ) new radiator Rx side skirts and front air dam Rx front Grill lots of other little tid bits... See for your self...
  7. If you want to see some one with bad luck with their Rx, talk to subarutex...
  8. Mine was... a 4EAT, though it is now a 5-spd. Though the 4EAT turbo's are rare, a wagon with a locking center diff and lsd is even rarer, its an RX trans, minus the dual range aspect. I didn't know they made em, or put em in wagons. Nice score... Couple weeks ago at Smart Srvc, we had 4; count em, 4; turbo 4eat loyales in the lot, including mine, thats probably about as rare as winning the lottery Especialy cuz its only once in a blue moon that a turbo Loyale ever comes near the shop, other than mine.
  9. okay, so i get fuel cut in my car, often, when i'm in gear, low boost, high boost, little throttle, wot, whenever. No time limit to it, nothing. And its no 1/4 second fuel cut either, its close to a full second, i guess my car is a rare occasion though, most other cars i've been in that get fuel cut are not as bad as mine is. I'm wondering if what your experienceing is truely fuel cut...because its so regular, i'm going to assume it is. your ecu refernces fuel cut from your maf, i think peak range on these maf's is something like 5volt, so if you were to see say 4.25 volts for a certint amount of time...the ecu will cut fuel. so theoreticaly assuming i'm all correct here, you could make a run to radio shack and pick up a few resistors to cap the out going voltage of your maf at say 4v...im not sure on this though, its a theory... alright, thats my thoughts on it, i'm also struggling with this one too, let me know what you find.
  10. well, i, uhm, by accident, just the other day saw just about 8,000rpm....i recently swapped in a manual tranny, then converted to rwd, spinning donuts in the rain on potenza's is great fun, but as soon as the tires break traction the red line comes up very very quickly, when your driving real fast in circles your tach isn't the first thing on your mind... car seemed fine all the way through the range, still runs great, and i've never once heard the valves float...?
  11. I've seen the plugs on the blinkers, headlights etc. corode so bad that they didn't make good contact, but that wouldn't cause you to short out... i'd be looking for a general electrical ground, on the same curcuit as the marker light. If its not grounding right it'll make things all goofy. I watched my buddies mustang peg every engine electrical gauge cause he had a bad engine ground.
  12. wouldn't this be a modification forum deal? i know its offroad...buts modifying too... back to the "lost and confused" forum with me
  13. So if i were to, say, swap a manual tranny into my 4EAT GL wagon, there would a be mechanism that prevented the car from starting unless it was in neutral or park.... Where is it, and which wire would i jumper? By jumper, i'm making the assumption that you'd attatch two of the poles on a certint plug, to make the neutral lock out read constantly in N or P...right? Semi-urgent, help is greatly appreciated... Thanks, Dan
  14. The cracked heads are plausible, but then why is there "exaust" coming out the breather filters and the oil filler? The tail pipe, while being cranked also blows water (steam) straight out of it....this new engine fresh rebuild only has, what, like 50 miles on it? at most? I can vouch...it hauled balls, it was very fast. And...i got to drive it being towed though... My guess is that he just instantly blew a head gasket... why? detonation mabey? could you blow a head gasket from detonation? I thought i was hearing a lil bit of it, but tex is thinkin it was just stuff movin around in the back....i dunno. Is a blown hg, to oil ports, and coolant, i.e. a major blow, possible after so little time? Why? How? I'll leave explaining the brakes up to tex, but they are gorgous, we spent alot of time getting everything to work, and they do work. "Two steps forward...one step back"
  15. Good to see you again... So whats goin on with the Rx wagon? I thought you guys had figured out what was goin on...the whole cam dilema...more problems? hope not... btw...i've got 150 dollars or so pocketed for a certint rx tranny...but no easy way of getting to you...know of any one making the run up here?
  16. Jeez ken...now you realllly gotta washi it; make sure you get the mud off your dash too Glad to hear you guys had fun, i look forward to hearing stories.
  17. Its not the GI show, but they're good pics.... http://www.pbase.com/verdugo/texphotoshoot
  18. it doesn't indicate a lack of power!! original deal was it put the tranny into a more aggressive mode under full throttle...
  19. Its the "power transmision" light. For the aggresive shift pattern, should turn on solid at or near WOT, but when it flashes at start-up it indicates a problem the last time the car was run. When it's flashing its going to throw the transmision into fail safe mode, untill its restarted, you gotta figure that one out. Fail safe mode isn't quite a mojorly noticable thing, it keeps the center diff locked up, and if your in fwd (via the fwd fuse under the hood) the 3rd gear clutches wont engage...(?) this is what happened on my car any ways, my light flashed and all that when i left my speedo cable unplugged... though there is something faulty with my electrical system, leaving the power light on close to all the time, it'll turn off ocasianaly, but thats a diffrenet problem.
  20. Saturdays no good, i have, ehm, comitments , sunday is still good for me though. I still owe you a tape eirc...hope to see you this weekend to get it to you. Sounds like we'll be doing some work on tex's rig in preporation for this...
  21. ehm.... an unbalanced tire? nail in your tire? i don't know why anything to do with the tires would only happen in corners or bumps...if you had something in the tire it would be a constant click, that sped up with the speed of the car. If you had a lopsided tire it would vibrate in the car, at certint speeds, like 45 and 75mph when it hits just the right harmonic. I have no idea what would be clicking that would change with a new set of tires. The tire place would have, should have, said something to you if you had a bad cvj, so, if its gone now, don't sweat it!
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