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    88 DL Wagon

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  1. I had the same problem with my 88 but my problem was self inflicted. I put an engine from an 86 into my 88 and hooked it up using the 86 distributer. It wouldn't read the rotation proper so the injectors wouldn't fire. It would start as long as I poured fuel down the intake so I assumed it was a fuel problem. Put the 88 distributer in it and problem solved.
  2. I have a set of heads. Don't know what shape they are in. They came off a 88 GL. I was told that one was leaking coolant into one cylinder. Looking at the block I don't think that was the case. I'll send them to you for the cost of the shipping and $5 for my time to package them up.
  3. Well I did tare into it after I got another just to see what was there( it's just my nature). I think I had it into more parts then was originally put into it. I called several parts stores around and no one could locate any of the bearings or seals, and of course the blades were bent beyond help. I found one at a recking yard resonable. Trouble is you don't know how long it will last. Subaru wanted $1200 for a new one. NAPA told me they couldn't get a rebuilt. Must have talked to the wrong guy. Thanks for the imput.
  4. I would also bet it is the intake or the heads. I have been fighting the turbo on my 88 for several weeks know. I have had one of the turbos(I bought a second for parts)torn in more pieces then I think it had originally and I can't see it leaking antifreze into the intake or exhaust side.
  5. What type of mods are we talking about??
  6. How rebuildable is the turbo off of my 88 GL 1.8L? Has anyone had one apart? I belive the one in my Sub has come apart or the bearing has gone out. I have a spare to put in it but it is old and the seals and bearing should probably be replaced before install. Is there someplace I can find a good break down diagram of the inside of the turbo?
  7. Well I thank I have it figuered out. I found an 87 turbo parked at a local apartment complex and stopped and got permission to look under the hood. When I moved the engine from the 86 into the 88 i left everything attatched. The harness that went accross the intake did not match up so I swapped it out along with a couple of sensors so everthing matched up good. There was a second harness that went along the back of the engine: from the coil to the Distributer then to sensor behind the intake down on the block(I'm assumming this is the Crank Sensor) and finally plugged in on the right fender. The plug was there and matched with the harness from the 86 so I just plugged it in. Now after looking at the 87 I learned that my 88 most likely did not have this second harnes. I dug around under the left fender and found the four prong plug that went to the 88 distributer. I am going to put the 88 distrubuter onto the engine and pull the other harness. I'm assuming that the plug on the right fender is an alternate harness for different engine configurations. Thanks for the intrest and help:)
  8. Thanks for the input....I have swapped the harness off of the intake but I do not have the harness from the distributer for the 88 so am using the one from the 86. My only question left is on the Crank Position sensor. The 86 plugs into the same harness as the distributor and the 88 plugs into the harness on the intake. So I have two places to plug into it. I am assuming I need to plug into the one on the intake as that is the one from the 88 which is the computer I am using. But where do the wires go on the other harness and if I leave them open will it create an issue. also will a sub run with the CRank Position sensor disconnected???
  9. Reading the forum I find that most of you need to type slow so I can understand...Here is my issue. I pulled an engine from an 86 coupe and stuffed it into an 88 wagon. Both engines are MPFI 1.8s with turbos. The Engine was already out of the GL when I got it. Went in easier then any car I've ever done before. Trouble comes from the wire harness. The primary one accross the top was easy enough I just pull the one of the intake that was lying in the back of the car, changed out the Throttle position sensor and all was good. My touble comes from the one that runs along the back of the engine that connects to the Distributer. The one from the 88 was gone...It appears the 88 crank position sensor plugs into the primary harness over the intake..The 86 pluged into the secondary one that feed the distributor. Where should I plug it in and where do the leads in the 86 harness go... The engine will start now if I pour gas down the intake but the injectors are not firing..I assume it is from the Crank sensor.
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