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Everything posted by nkx

  1. i have an adaptor on my hotwire maf. not sure what the application was. i just grabbed it at the parts store and said 'hmm, i think this might fit my intake!' and it did!
  2. sounds like a 360 van. 2 cyl 2 stroke air cooled (i think) motors.
  3. that left front wheel doesnt look to happy :-\ good thing its getting new suspension!
  4. i dynamatted the entire trunk of my cavalier. that was a huge pain in the rump roast. worth it though. cut down on how much the car rattled from the outside when i had the stereo cranked, and made it sound almost twice as loud from the inside. i used the dynamat brand spray stuff on the fenderwells due to the stuff being a PITA to form to curves. oh, and the reason for all the dynamatting was 3 12" subwoofers in a custom box.
  5. that certainly explains why i didnt see the car at the stage i actually made it to... :-\ oh, and watch out for the FWD imps, apparently the gas tanks arent contoured to fit the rear diff, or something along those lines.
  6. ive got a few buddies with jeeps whove been to paragon. last i was told, you had to have a dual range transmission. i cant find anything on their website to support that, but id hate to see you show up and not be allowed to wheel.
  7. something else along those lines: "Stop reading this and pay attention to the road!"
  8. AFPR = adjustable fuel pressure regulator? as opposed to a RRFPR? i remember calebz talking about a steel insert for the headbolts, you might want to look into that. what are you using to control boost?
  9. i hope you have a large bandwidth allocation, keith! i made good use of my new dsl lookin at all those pics. (well, almost all of them) good quality pics too.
  10. i posted a link to my photobucket account. guess i didnt make it too obvious:-\ here it is again: http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b329/nkx/ECSS%2006%20at%20Carlisle/
  11. http://www.jtuned.com/content/templates/2005-centralhall.aspx?articleid=353&zoneid=18 http://www.supercars.net/cars/3278.html
  12. you might be able to do with a rising rate fuel pressure regulator. some view this as a bandaid, but in certain applications where bigger injectors and engine management are rare or nonexistant, its a necessity.
  13. the folks at perrin crammed a turboed 3.0 H6 into a 2006 sti...
  14. whooooooaaa slow down! first off, what engine? 2.7? 3.3? 3.0? yes you should use bigger injectors. this is a given anytime you add a turbocharger. as far as engine management, i would check with rallitek to see if they have something for your application.
  15. a tank of 89 or maybe 92 should help at cleaning some of the crud out. i dont know much about carbs, but i would think the detergents in the gas will clean carbs as well as they clean fuel injectors.
  16. i think i can say a good time was had by all. great meeting all the new faces, and seeing those of you ive met before again! thanks again matt for helping me with the wagon. jon, the ricer muffler does sound good. just ask security at carlisle. in my defense, they didnt have any 'no raising hell after 10 pm' signs posted! i took a few pics, and a video of the straight pipe contest. ill upload that stuff to my photobucket when i get a chance. http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b329/nkx/ECSS%2006%20at%20Carlisle/
  17. carlisle diner middlesex diner waffle house thats all i can think of right now.
  18. ok, gimme a call on saturday if youre coming late to make sure we're still at the fairgrounds.
  19. ok, my friend with the vendor spot says you can sell some of your parts in his space. he wants $20 if you decide you want to sell your brat there cuz its going to take up a fair chunk of his real estate. oh, and last but not least if any of you guys get lost/stuck in traffic/need general info, pm me and ill give you my cell phone number. see you all in a few hours!
  20. paul, i have a brand new tent you may use if you like. it sleeps 4 people. 75subie, if you end up bringing your brat and parts, i might be able to hook you up with a friend who has a vendor spot. who wants to go in on some beer with me?
  21. i hate asking stupid questions like this... if the belt is loose, is it going to squeal and make a bunch of noise, or can it be somewhat quiet and loose? last time i messed with the accessory belt i used my breaker bar to pull the alt and put tension back on the belt.
  22. heh, i like the idea of a parade of subarus going through carlisle, and a large group of us invading some poor restaurant. or maybe if we asked nicely my mom would cook dinner for all of us! lol...
  23. there are showers in the facility to the left (if youre driving into the fairgrounds from K street). http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/parks/pinegrovefurnace.aspx pine grove is less than a half hour drive from the fairgrounds.
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