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Everything posted by Hocrest

  1. As long as they don't follow the in the path of other states and have only "state run" emissions centers...
  2. Someone (I think Ben??) mentioned that emissions are going to be statewide next year. No more free ride for us hicks in the sticks...
  3. One last bump... 2 days to go. This is a fun day. If you are within a days drive you NEED to show up. Mods: any chance of getting stickied till the end of the week?
  4. I'm not sure if the meet starts at 8 or 9. Actually the lift is still in my trunk. Not that I'm suggesting this, but, Next door to my office is a carpet store. The one truck driver unloads the rolls of carpet from his tractor trailer by reversing his truck and slamming the brakes.
  5. I should be able to swing by. How far from you to Red Lion?
  6. Boz, You can try my cell 570-292-0708, but I seem to remember from last spring that reception in the area was hit and miss.
  7. Finally got to look at it tonight, mmm the smell of the "autumn spreading", brought back memories of home... anyway, there was nobody around so I just walked back. It needs alot more work than I am able to take on. Thanks for keeping an eye out though. And thanks for the synchros tip, I'm guessing that is a trans rebuild type thing?
  8. A friend of mine from work has an 89 wagon with a FWD 5 speed. I haven't gotten to see it but he says that it has a tendancy to pop out of 2nd and 4th gears. He says that if he stops in neutral on the way into 2nd and 4th, and pick up on the shifter as he continues shifting that it tends to stay in gear better. Any ideas? Bent linkage? Worn bushing?
  9. Congratulations Joe. Did you find this locally, I haven't seen an EA81 Wagon around here for a long time. And rust free!!! I guess it can't be local. Are you going to take it to the PB meet this weekend to show it off? Can't wait to see it. Sorry, but I can't answer your questions.
  10. ugh.. the Spring Incident... Keep in touch as far as Part II
  11. If I recall the OBW was only available in 1995 and 96 with the 2.2 engine. Sorry, but I can't answer about the tranny.
  12. Paul, Thats a great idea. Thanks for doing that. I think I am going to take off work on Friday, maybe I'll meet up with the rest of you car sleepers on Friday night.
  13. I'll remember that... right is left!!! Do your toilets flush in the opposite direction also? See you in the morning.
  14. I've removed company logo decals from my trucks at work. The heat gun is the only way to go. Instead of a metal putty knife, get one of the cheap plastic ones, and you will be less likely to scratch the paint. Once you get a patch started, pull it back across itself as you continue to apply the heat. Good luck
  15. I have chains with it. It looks like; TP to 541 About a mile then Left on Woodlane Rd. (630) About 3/4 mile to Phatbrat's Sound about right?
  16. Yeah, I should be able to leave here around 7-7:30, get there by 9:30. btw, this is the lift I'll be bringing... Lift
  17. This is on my Legacy, but it is the same place on the XT's that I have seen... If it is not there, I don't know what to tell you.
  18. Yeah, if I get down there much more I may start to lose some driving skills... What time are we gonna get started? Bright and early around Noon?
  19. well in that case my guess is 97 gallons (and you said I was smart):-\
  20. I'm not sure but wouldn't #2 always be changing. When do you plan on measuring so I can adjust my calculations accordingly.
  21. I have run my 97 2.2 in between 95-100mph for about three hours straight on Rte 95. There was a truck plowing through the traffic with 3-4 cars running behind him. I had to break off when the tank got empty and I had to get off the highway. That was over 4 years and 110,000 miles ago and I'm still running strong with 167,000. I often run around 90 for an 1/2 to an hour. I did find that with the the 2.2 I use more gas when running around 90. For every 30 minutes at 90mph I lose about 10 miles of my 300 mile tank. I have had it over 100 in shorter bursts.
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