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kiwi subbie

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Everything posted by kiwi subbie

  1. I could have a look at a couple of my 4wd hi/low gboxs if you like... Is it easyer enought to check the splines on them? with out dismantling gbox? Do you mean the splines are the nobley bits that stick out of the gbox that the CVs fit onto?
  2. Yea haha. Ive only used myspace a few times lol You should do a facebook page
  3. I was lookin at my 1400 GL today and noticed rust coming tru those areas:-\
  4. I would love one.... only problem is they never sold here. There was one brought over here and converted to RHD I think? only one ive ever seen in real life.
  5. Not any more. looked there the other week. they dont list it anymore
  6. LOL I saw that brat and thought it looked familer Reminds me I should build up my model brat:rolleyes:
  7. It looks like ram doesnt make the supercharged ea81 with 200hp any more
  8. Dam I tryed to find what happened to sub4 but couldnt find anything:(
  9. 4- I beleave its is... My 1400GL coupe has 1600 fitted into it. from what I remembered it fitted in all the right places. will have to have another look tho
  10. Actually We do have some info here reguarding the fact that hey did use it. Got to find it 1st tho lol
  11. Subaru did buy the rights to the Arabella 38 900cc engine They did improve on the design of it though.
  12. Yeas they do. I like to get a borgward Arabella ( Thats what the Lloyd 900 was sold here under ). When ever this question get asked I try put people straight on the subject People think subaru brought the the rights to its engine thru VW, Porsche, Jowett, Hansa:lol:
  13. Pics of Borgward / Lloyd 900 Arabella Motor
  14. Not quite.... Subaru Did not use the hansa flat 4 motor.... How ever they did buy the rights to the Lloyd 900 Arabella motor. Karl Borgward owned about 3 different companys. Borgward Lloyd Hansa/Goliath All 3 operated seprately The newer Lloyd 900 was going to use a hansa engine but they they relised it was to big and wouldnt fit. So they designed a brand new block from scratch. Im gussing a ea82 could fit in to it but I do not any one who has done it
  15. lol I dont know if every one knows but the Mitsubishi Zero fighter had a subaru engine in it lol (well nakajima or how ever you spell it), mitisubishi didnt have anything powerful enought to go in.
  16. I remember seeing a snorkel on the 1985/86ish? sourth african leone rally car
  17. I will when I get it painted and decals made up hehe I took a pic at a air show but have missplaced it At the moment its painted blue/ primmer grey I want to make up a bull bar for brumby make it look more scout car from the frount lol
  18. Im doing a different coloured camo on my brumby. doing two tone RAF scout car
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