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kiwi subbie

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Everything posted by kiwi subbie

  1. Those pics look good. I was thinking of using those latches on another car aye
  2. Front hubs and disk upgrade for 1400 Coupe. will some leone Ventlated Disks, brakes and Front hubs fit on to a 1400 GSR with out much Hassel? Thinking it be nice to have much better brakes. Also another Question do EA71 EA81 and EA82 Brake pads all fit each other? Thanks
  3. Arrrrh Wheel fell of my lil 1400 sedan =( heres some pics... Luckly it fell off Just after comming out of the Tunnel. Sadly now ive got more stuff i need to fix. Car been fine the rest off the day. i think the wheel nuts lossened off during driving round the hills.
  4. Any one have info/pics of the Gen1 1400 1600 Rxs? Did any of them survive? any one on here have one? all i know is the 1400 Rx had twin carbs and a 5 spd fitted and where made from 1975... I know nothing else about them. The only Rx 1600 ive seen is the one in the link below. Its the one in that vid. http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=94968 Did the RX replace the GSR as the sports model?
  5. That looks like the 1400 RX or 1600 shaped RX? its a 1600 eh? its just urber cool:slobber:
  6. Depends on how it was treated... My old vortex xt turbo was still running after it had done 300,000kms and the motor hadnt been touched. it was well looked after since new. it was starting to be a little bit tired.
  7. Thats cool. thats the 1st 1st Gen RX ive seen SOOOOO cool:)
  8. Thats cool. I never knew an P1 ever survived. ive only seen the 1 black and white pic. Is there Any info on the P1 like size type of engine etc years producted etc any more pics of P1?
  9. maybe in a few years time when the new subaru diesel is more available some one could fit the diesel in to there brat leone etc. i would like to see that
  10. YAY shes running again:headbang: Every thing just kept goin wrong today and yesterday I couldnt seem to start it then i relised the plug that hooked up to the ignion switch, some how become disconected. I hooked that up then it did this had it backfiring though the carb. some how the HT Leads where all mixed up. Dont know how that happend
  11. I loved how my GSR loved to Rev and it handled great. and the dash board of my GSR with all the nice round gagdes etc and fake plasic wood grain
  12. Yay found my old Thread on this. tryed serching for it ages ago. I havnt done any more to it since I got it. I Re Registed it. I took some off the body shell. . I still yet to start it. The kick start is broken and I do not have an motor bike battery. Hopefully i will have some more space soon . As my Brumby is up for sale and ive been clearing up my wee workshop shed. Then i be able to try and fix it up. Ive made an wee short vid of it.
  13. yeas so true actually an opperating room on an convayor belt lol
  14. so how do you go about making an internal voltage reg alt work on my one with external regulator work? do you just remove the external regulator? and then what do i do about the part that runs the fuel pump. is that just hooked up to the alt?
  15. Ive got another alt here some where of an 1800 na omega coupe. it maybe is an 60 or 65 amp one. I just got to find it. so the 50 amp alt i got here off an 1600cc leone would have a internal voltage regulator? I wont be using my spare XT6 alt i got. only have one spare and theres no other parts available for them over this side of the world.
  16. just checked out in my manual for 1400. it says alt is an 35 amp one from 1975 they went to 50 amp. when changing over to an bigger more powerful alt do you have to do much? like is it an drop straight in job and plug in etc. or do i have to add extra fuses or etc.. also found an alt of an leone. think its one off an 1600 leone is this 50 amp? http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i139/xtsub/My%20Subaru%201400/?action=view&current=Picture8420.jpg also whats the highest amp alt can you get on an ea81/ea82 engined subaru? Thanks
  17. Haha omg i luv that ad haha I so want an 360 Sport now:slobber:
  18. yea i mite see how much an new one is. my 1400 can flaten the battery in 2 hours with only stero and allarm on. I dont no how long it would take with car running at nite with head lamps and heater on aswell as stero. When i did have all those running the lights did dim quite an bit so i switched the heater and stero off and froze lol
  19. Has any one upgraded there alternator on there 1400 to an higher charging unit? and what alt did you use. do you need to do much to make it work? I was thinking i mite update mine, if i could find one that would fit and work My GSR can flatten the battery quite quickley.
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