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kiwi subbie

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Everything posted by kiwi subbie

  1. my old 1982 1600 leone wagon up to 150ish km down hill was kinda scary that was many years ago too
  2. 1973 GSR 1400 Twin Carb 4 Speed front wheel drive mileage????? year 1973 1400 DL 1400 4 Speed Front Wheel drive 7006 kms acutal kms unknown 1973 GL Coupe 1600 JDM engine??? 4 Speed Front Wheel Drive
  3. Haha yeas lol. would like to give the carbs a much better clean mayb bead blasted. I will wait till I can get rebuild kit. which ive had No luck with getting :-\ I also plan to get rocker covers and airfilter cover chromed. only prob is No1 in my city does propper chrome plating ( Propper chroming with use of the copper plate 1st. ) here they only do nickal then chrome. So its an 2 hour drive to the nearest which is in Timaru. im dieing to get my GSR running and so close to Christmas
  4. Here is an Quick up date. Been ordering new parts for my GSR. slowly getting them in. heres some work ive done to my inlet mainifold I had to redrill the broken bolts that go into the themostat housing. also did some sanding of the manifold. after spending 10 or so hours on polishing i ran out of patients and paid some one else to finish it Just got it back from polisher and i gave the carbs an good clean too
  5. I didnt Know the xt had came with an EA71. a guy i new was going to fit an 1600 into his vortex since the ea82 turbo motor was removed. i dont think he ever got it to work tho.
  6. my lil old gl coupe had same problem with none of that stuff workin. it was an live wire that shorted out. and blown alot of the fuses for Headlights, taillights, or wipers/washers. i replaced them. worked fine for an lil while then played up again. and the fuses were fine. so i havnt found out why they stopped working again:-\
  7. i had an guy that wanted to do same thing. i dnt no if that works or not? i keep an eye on this tho. i want to get an wrx and go wide body too also you mite have probs with the svx front brakes. sti stuff etc i beleave dont fit.
  8. im like to do that to my butchered GL coupe. problem is trying to find out if the motor fits. and it would cost alot of monney to do :-\
  9. thats an lucky find since its still so good condition:)
  10. lol i parked it in the right place ive got it up for sale at the moment. im selling due to needing money to semi restore my GSR Coupe :-p
  11. The other day I thought I would give my wee 1400 an good clean and wash. Then thought I why not get some good pics of it. So here they are.... :cool:
  12. my 1988 DL omaga wagon had an ea71 in it. even seen an 1990 or later omega sedan with ea71 in it
  13. i had an look in my 1972 service manual. it menchens body pannels and all other details but does not say what the factory colours are
  14. I was just thinking about this. ive never seen or heard of one but has any one fitted airbags to an brat/brumby? like air bag suspention im meaning this is just another random question i got to thinking about today
  15. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2117466 thats the wee leone with turbo and carb that i was talking about lol
  16. my old 86 turbo vortex with ea82t went very well. it did 299,000 plus kms. its been main tainned well its whole life. the turbo and the motor and auto was fully original never gave any trouble. it was also used to pull an big heavy boat to till 2003. the only probs i had with it was- old hoses goin hard crackin and leaking. and the gaskets were leaking to. so had to top it up every once in an while.
  17. ive seen one 1983ish leone coupe that was fitted with an engine that was turboed and carbed. i saw it on CarDomain. dont no how it went. saw it on there like over an year ago.
  18. looking cool as im thinking i like to take my GSR down the 1/4 mile and see how it does in its old age. once i get it back togeather
  19. also an guy i know who has an GSR. his one been re engined with an i think a RS ford Escort Cosworth engine? i cant remember if its been converted to RWD or stayed FWD? he did say the trany tunnel was alted quite an bit.
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