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kiwi subbie

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Everything posted by kiwi subbie

  1. I know of an Guy that had on GSR back in the day. he repaired it since it was in an accident. he used to work for an couple subaru dealerships he rebuilt the engine and blue printed it, Port & Polish, fitted an 5spd in it. wouldnt take long to go over 100MPH. i dont know what the top speed was.
  2. What improvements and preformance mods have you seen or heard of that have been made to 1400s? since they where new untill now ive been thinking about this for quite an long time and wondering what has been done? like power up grades, engine transplants. ive seen quite an few 1600 engines fitted to 1400s Has any one fitted an EJ engine into an 1400? what about supercharged or even turbo 1400cc engine :-p what about 5 lug swap? Im having lots of random questions running thu my head
  3. took an long time but i found an carb kit for it. just have to order it and find out price and get some manifold gaskets etc
  4. ive think ive seen them in atleast 3 colors. in black, red, blue
  5. thats pics of the carbs. it took an while but i read some of what was on one of the carbs. Something like... DCG306W 2 303? ISO
  6. i think i see iso on one of the carbs? but its still very hard to see tho
  7. got an addy 4 that and number? or pixs if ur seen it lol:)
  8. Right im sic of having my GSR sitting around not running. i need to get my hands on the carb rebuild kit for it. but i dnt know wheres to get them from? and about the only guy who rebuilds carbs in my city is an pretty grumpy guy, whos got an bad rep and ive been told not to have any dealings with him. im not sure what type they are. what is printed on one is pretty hard to read Thanxs
  9. i dnt think they sold the GSR in the states??? they did sell the GL coupe there tho. mine still is in peices. trying 2 find an carb rebuild kit at the moment
  10. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=174364522 some one please buy, i would like it to go to an good home
  11. Just thought i would post here see if any one mite be intrested http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=171285885 very tidy original car. spent loads on redoing brakes and pulled carpets out to rust proof any sureface rust. had new rear shocks car owes me lots lol needs to go to good home. start price is reserve
  12. oooh i sortas like it. the front could be done better tho lol. have ne of those survied?
  13. he also has an 360 there too. some one told me that he was spray painting one when they went to check out his yard
  14. a few 1400 pics from nz courtesy of kevin subgsr
  15. some of the justys here ive seen are 4wd selectable and manual. ive seen an RS 4wd justys. and they are factory too. i dnt no if they are wee bit hotter or not?
  16. just did an few measurements it just mite fit one in there?
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