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kiwi subbie

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Everything posted by kiwi subbie

  1. On my little 1400 GSR the cap was that bloody tight I couldnt get it off. One of a legacy would be nice, It would come off easier
  2. That looks like it would had come of a leone from 1980-1984 only front wheel drive model.
  3. I mite even be able to find the ported and polished Heads for my Old RX EA82 motor I take some pics if you like some? They are well n truely shot tho.
  4. Im pretty sure I saved the pics for that. just would have to sort out thru 10,000 or more pics
  5. Very cool. I never tought of trying this on a ea82. Question is can you also fit them to a EA81 EA71 and a EA63. All those engines seem to piss me off with there loose caps.
  6. Ive got some copys of that info some where too.. Its very hard to read what they scanned. I would like to get my hands on a RX sedan to build a repilca off possums group A Car ( I think it was group A ) he been with the Subaru Rally team since 82 or 83.
  7. I think on my 86 Vortex it was fitted up front. in the center part, just below where the hood latch is? Mind you its been a few years since I looked at a turbo Vortex.
  8. Yup some where about 190hp. I was talking to a guy that used to own possums old 1985 RX Sedan rally car. He told me it produced close to 190hp. Told we alot of info about it but couldnt remember every thing now... But for the whole time this guy raced it he never had nething go wrong with it. I think he didf have one prob with blowing a tire or turbo wasnt boosting right once.
  9. Im also pretty sure that the EA63 heads only fit to the earlier EA71? top-mount starter? like what is fitted to a gen 1 brat or 1977ish 1600 car etc I think its the same EA71 that GeneralDisorder was talking about before.. in the Quote below
  10. I also want a new set of nuts for my cheviots.
  11. Thats good. They did sell EJ18s in Legacys but not availble in the states as far as I know. Im looking at buying one. Im not sure but I think its the Carberated model too The Cam belt hasnt been done in the whole time they guy owned it.
  12. That has been done a few times... atleast one guy in Oz and I think one in England. I had planned to do this on my old brumby but desided to sell project before I went too hard core. It would evolve alot of work. lots of cutting.. I did get told you could put the EG33 in with out cutting any thing... But saying that I couldnt see how you could. The motor is very wide and long. I know one of the guys moved the raditor to the back behind the cab. It would be good to see another one done tho
  13. Bleeder on the rear drum. Hose fitted tight. Even ended up buying a vaccume bleeder to help out. didnt work. When I just losened the bleeder i could get quite a bit side ways movement. So thinking I may have to replace the rear wheel cylinders with new ones
  14. Ive been having a lot of problems trying to bleed my brakes on my brumby. Im thinking the rear bleeder is sucking air thru the threads when im bleeding it. :-\
  15. Im hoping that wasnt my old one . It was in pretty good condition apart from the auto wouldnt go into 4th.
  16. Gains another 200 RPM lol. Was talking to a guy about the sub4 twin spark heads years ago for aircraft. Thats what he told me what would happen when you switched the 2nd lot of spark plugs on.
  17. I thought it mite had been him. I was trying buy a GSR of him ages ago but then he desided he didnt want to sell it.
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