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    2006 OBW 3.0R L.L. Bean

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  1. Is this for the inside plastics as well? Dash, door, arm rest etc.? Aerospace 3000 for the inside too. I just recently got an 2006 OBW. I've already used the Armoral for my inside cleaning:eek: Help...I want my interior to last right along side of My my new Subie's Mechanical Longevity. 99miles
  2. Oh, BTW: Waiting for a call from the dealer to see if the will take the Ultimate Cargo Basket, back. I absolutely, loved the look. This looks Great on The Outback... However, a constant hum as I was driving and pop, pop, pop. The aerodynamics of the car turns the fearing into the "Perfect" bug catcher - pop, pop, pop. So I thought; I’d take the fearing off and maybe the air would pass through. What a mistake. You are driving around with a wasp swarm above you. Now try and open your sun roof and that inside shade cover (or whatever it's called) starts vibrate badly. Not to mention, the bugs that don't stick to the fearing, just drop on in. Drove around and had it on for only a day and a half. Subaru really should have advertised, "Not recommended for the Sunroof Outback’s" 99miles
  3. Hey, just me again; adding to the original thread Well tomorrow, I get the "Hood Deflector/Bug Shield" and the "Ultimate Cargo Basket" for my new Suby. I love the color of my new Suby, "Champagne Gold Opal". You get three colors out of one. Depending on the lighting - you get "Tan/Gold", "Silver", or a "Light Greenish Color". Can't wait to see what the Cargo Basket will look like on her. 99miles
  4. Even though: and we've officially hijacked this thread into oblivion...... I thought I'd add a couple pics of my new OBW: and... It's been a month, still love it....
  5. Thanks for the Posts and Pics. I think if I tore the bumber off and put something like that, my wife would kill me. Although, your right it does look mean. I was thinking more like something I saw on an Aussie site. I think, if memory serves, it was from a company called TPM and the model had a 16 in it. Any thoughts? As for my Pics, they'll be coming soon. We've had over a week of rain and I'm not about to take Pics of a new vehicle looking like that. Unless of course, I was off roading. :cool: Thanks Again. 99miles
  6. Well I wanted to wait until I dove her (’06 Outback 3.0R L.L. Bean Wagon) awhile, before I wrote in. I have had many vehicles. My Outback is my 11th, in the past 10 years. I’ve had Chevy, Ford, Dodge, Toyota, Pontiac, Acura, Jeep and now my Subaru Outback. I’ve just finished putting 1000 miles on her, and wanted to report in. I almost was going to go with another Highlander (hybrid, though). But you’ve got to go to the dealer that will deal, when you’re trading an 8 month old vehicle. Subaru won my business. However after reading some of your post, maybe I’m the winner having got myself into my first Subaru. I love this car so far. Hopefully, this is the one I’ll keep awhile. Looking through the forum, it appears Subaru has a dedicated fan base. I would like to outfit her, though. Maybe a nice black Brush Guard up front. My Durango had this, and I thought it looked great. Any sites that make these for Subaru Outbacks? We’ll be going on a trip this summer. Are there any opinions on whether to go with the “extended roof cargo carrier” or the “heavy duty roof cargo basket”? One over the other? I’ve read about the tires and yes, I think I will have to change out the Stock Tires. With all of the safety features of the Subaru why wouldn’t I want safer tires? I’m thinking of the Assurance TripleTreads. I also wanted a NAV system; however, I didn’t like Subaru’s Two Disk System. I bought a Nuvi 350. If anyone was thinking of one, that storage compartment worked out great. I took out the rubber mat inside, stuck on the Nuvi’s dash mount disk and arm, and it looks as though that NAV was meant to be there. Just wanted to say, Hi; and I love my Outback Wagon so far. Thanks, Great Site, 99miles
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