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About 84Scoobaroo

  • Birthday 02/02/1987

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    Tacoma Diesel
  • Vehicles
    Deathhatches Monsteroo

84Scoobaroo's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/11)



  1. hey. hows it going, im kinda local... anyway i was wondering if you or any other forum members wana try meet up at effendal pass in tahuya orv?

  2. since its been 6 WCSS shows since the last i was at... i guess i can try and make it to WCSS13. Well, i also own a sube again too. That Helps
  3. Hey you wank. how's life. got me a lifted 86 wagon w/ea81 on 30" nittos with 16" chev rims. come home to papa and lets git r done old school. and if ya happen to have an extra jet engine we can strap it to the roof and shoot the moon alice!

  4. I am here to officially welcome myself back to the subaru world, after being gone so long. This project, as well as DeathHatch's monster hatch on 35's with toyota axles, Divorced Tcase, Toy power steering and linkages, but alll subaru other than that, are both of my friends vehicles. They are currently sitting side by side in my backyard, under a large RV style tent/garage. Deathhatches progress is slowed due to the fact that he has a little honda hatchback that he keeps unjustifyingly modifying, and it leaves no money for his hatch. The plan for the Monsteroo (redrum's official project name) is to not just "hillbilly" the subaru body onto the blazer frame, but instead chop the frame 10" so both vehicles wheelbases will be matched, and channel the subaru body on to it. it will be a much more time consuming process, but the end result shall be beautiful. Thats all im going to say for now, as i will let the pictures later on speak for themselves. Its going to be a number of firsts, and seconds(behind deathhatches) in the subaru world. Hope to see you all at WCSS8 -Jay
  5. I convinced Deathhatch to get his ever-evolving 84 hatch, my other friend (redrum3433 on here) to get his 84 GL Wagon, my leprechaunish friend to purchase a 86 GL Wagon. As well as sold my old cancer wagon to another friend, and yet another just purchased a 81 GL 1.8 D/r Brat. Total count is 5, but i have influenced about 2 more here at school to obtain/wheel EA82 D/R wagons.
  6. I give in, cant contain it any longer. With the schedule that our "modifier" is currently on, whoe knows when it will get done. So heres some in progress pics. Deathhatchy, lemme know if you want em taken down. Not much has happened since those pics were taken due to driveshaft and transfer case placement issues. High angle driveline was consulted, and we decided it would be the solution as soon as we get out of Highschool. Not bad for 2 seniors and a junior with limited time.
  7. No. The front and rear outputs are still locked, no give in the tranny so it will still bind up. edit: re-read post, and the rear end wont bind up like a welded diff would, but it would still bind in the front/rear transfer of power. W/ out a front axle it would be a two tire fryer .
  8. My old 83 GL wagon before i rolled it.... And the ceremonious (sp?) tribal offering to the subaru gods months later
  9. The big thing on an XT, or any EA81 or EA82 series subie (im fairly certain) is that they all use a common ground system. From what i recall, the stock subie stereo is biased (atleast in my XT) with a front left - back right intertwined and front right - back left bias. I used the stock wiring to run the back speakers, and ran new wiring for the front door speakers. the wiring connectors are accessible in the little panels right by the front of the doors in the passenger compartment. I had some time to play around with my wiring and ran all new wires for all the speakers and the amp and sub. The amp and sub wires were ran under the molding in the door sills (plastic popoff screws). The antenna wiring is all there, I didnt know it until i had already cut my stock 40 watt casette/amfm combo's anttenna wiring. I cant explain it really, but ill try. Theres two motorola connectors (standard antenna) running alongside the driver side of the console in an XT, you just have to dig and find em. I had a parts XT that had intact wiring so it was easy to locate. I had a picture of my JVC KD-S680 mounted in there, but cant find it. The factory mounting rails worked fine, and crutchfield.com sells a plate that covers up the space left in the dash.
  10. Time Permitting, I believe this is gonna be where the new "Deathhatch" will make its debut. Sounds like good fun, and what better place to debut, than a big 'ol bog & obstacle course. edit: I don't know about being smaller than the full-size rigs though. :cool:
  11. Going from a N/A Turbo block in my XT to a True turbo engine in it was a noticable difference. Acceleration was much more rapid, although the exhuast got WAY too quiet with the turbo. Hit the speed limit rather quick. Had to fix the uppipe, and after that, full boost occured around 2000-2200rpm. Raced a new cavalier with an ecotec engine up the freeway onramp once, and it dropped about a carlength back by the time I merged onto the freeway. They scoot, but nothing spectacular. Cant wait to throw in a MPFI XT engine, full compression and get that Oh so sweet exhaust note back Wont be turbo, but it will run, and be 5spd D/R 4wd! -jay
  12. Here is my first "baby", a 1983 GL, 4sp D/R. Ready for the lift, lasted only another couple weeks after this pic was taken. Being a young unexperienced kid and rolled her, twice. Not gonna forget her though, learned a lot with this one. Thats my loving father in the pic BTW.
  13. out: 27th is work day, so i wont be able to make it. Although it will give me time to collect funds for my Muddin XT project . Try not to have too much fun guys, and keep the rubber side down. -Jay
  14. This is only part of it . Should be finished by Xmas, at the current rate, then it will be up to Brandon (deathhatch) to divulge the information.
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