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Mr. Wob

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Everything posted by Mr. Wob

  1. i pulled the wheel and I have plenty of pads left and brakes feel good. I think 400 miles is do able, right? It could just be a loose axle nut - I wont be able to check that until I drive it 150 miles to my garage though. But if its wheel bearing its going to have to go back those 150 plus come BACK down those 150 the following weekend to fix it.
  2. the noise definatley gets louder when I turn in either direction. I really hope its the axle nut or somethign rubbing because I have to drive the car at least 400 miles before I can fix anything. depending how close the wheel is to straight the noise can get pretty light but it can get a bit loud when I am turning at speed. Almost the same noise as when you run your pads all the way down so its backing on rotor. Think the car can do 400 miles mostly highway until its fixed? No vibration in the steering wheel except for feeling a bit of the grinding sensation.
  3. sounds good - I will check these options out this weekend. No supporters of wheel bearing huh? Hopefully so!
  4. Anyone in the NYC area have a 36mm or 34mm whatever it is socket and torque wrench I could borrow???
  5. At first I thought it was a wheel bearing, but now I am thinking CV joint light-medium grinding noise at all speeds, seems to get very slightly louder when I turn in either direction and when I accel it seems to get a tiny bit louder too. I havent checked the axle nut yet, but since you guys are the Scooby doctors I figure I would ask first. Gracias.
  6. How much ball joints and axles? http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=58367
  7. Well I have to have the car inspected by the 25th, any suggestions? I have limited tools at my apt, but I am not paying a mechanic do anything I am perfectly capable of doing myself. If it just needs a cleaning thats cool, if someone has an EGR solenoid for sale I would very happy to purchase it - If the EGR valve is stuck I will most likely fail emissions since NYS is so psycho Any suggestions for this? I think I am just going to take it to get inspected and see what they say the car needs - if it fails NOx, then I will fix the solenoid - like I said - it may need ball joints and a wheel bearing or more - yikes!
  8. i didnt see any noticeable rub marks when I had it off - one of the brake pad shims was a bit out of place, but this is definately a grinding with or without brakes - it seems to get a bit louder if I turn to the left (noise is on the pass side) This should be a fun inspection I pulled the CEL code and its a 34 - so I am searching around the forums now for the possible EGR causes/fixes. My biggest concerns are the grinding, the EGR code and the ball joints have split grease boots. I have my PA inspection license and in PA that fails, but there is no physical play in them, so I dont know how NY will be. I guess we will find out.
  9. great info so far, thanks. Seems like there is a lot of maintenence with these cars, but great fun to own. The parts seem cheap and holy christ does it look easy to work on. I was checking out a rattling heat shield with no jack yesterday My biggest concern is getting to pass inspection so far, then I will likely do a tuneup, the wheel bearing, figure out the 4WD, etc - hopefully I just dont have to do that now - its not easy repairing cars on the streets of Manhattan. I will run the CEL codes maybe tmrw or thursday and let you guys know what I come with. I will try to tighten the axle nut too soon - hopefully its just that and not the bearing.
  10. Hey guys, I have been searching around the site and got some answers, but I figured I would introduce a new Loyale to the forum and ask a few questions. I just purchased a 1993 Loyale Wagon 4WD - Red, gray interior -not in perfect shape, but for $400 dollars it sure is Anyway, here in NYC you have 10 days to get the car inspected and I am a bit scared if it will pass. The lower ball joints dont display any play, but the boots are split. Looks like the easiest ball joints to do ever though. The car idles rough, not horrible, but definately rough. Obviously, plugs, wires, air/fuel filter and maybe a little injector cleaner in the tank would help, but is there any other rough idle solutions associated with the Loyale? I have a bit of a grinding noise coming from the front passenger side. Sounds a bit like a wheel bearing, but service records show it is less then 2 years old. Its the same noise whatever angle the steering wheel is at. Its not too loud, but with the radio off you can hear it, almost like pads running very low except there is plenty left on them. 4WD doesnt engage either, no light on the dash or anything - I read about the vaccuum lines and the fuses etc to check though - really its not a huge concern for me right now though. I have a Check Engine Light too. I read how to diagnose, but just to clarify since there a few different versions - plug the two white plugs under the hood near the master cylinder together, key on, check code? Hopefully, the ball joints and slight grinding noise gets by inspection until I can fix them though. Any help would be appriciated, thanks in advance.
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