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Everything posted by shigthenewt

  1. Well, the fuseable links are under the hood and I merely looked at them and they appeared okay just old. I will have to check out that test light thing and see if that makes a difference. I've already replaced the fuses but I was wondering if the bulbs themselves would be the culprit. The way it happened was that one side went out then the other shortly after, so I'm thinking that logically it's the bulbs themselves. Should I be able to replace just the bulb (god I'm a NEWB) and not have to replace the entire headlight? If so, perhaps I could try that next as a pair of small bulbs shouldn't be that expensive right?
  2. After all of my problems with electrical things (okay just the radio really) on my 93 loyale, the headlights just up and quit . I haven't sorted out how to approach this one other than to replace the fuses, which I have done. I can't figure out if there would be some way to check the electrical system without buying some testing equipment (and with my extremely limited knowledge) or if I should just bite the bullet and take it into a shop. I'm sure an electrical problem would be quite costly. Any suggestions?
  3. Hey folks, I got my 93 subaru sedan about two months ago and after about a week the stereo stopped working. I figured the stereo was just shot, but when I turn the headlights on the stereo lights up (it's a stock stereo and it has that "green glow"). The stereo seemed to not work when the parking lights were on, but now the stereo doesn't work at all. I decided to take a look behind to see if a wire came loose or something and found that everything was connected except for a blue plug that had a single wire. couldn't find a mate for it so I left it. I also noticed that the main or large white plug was wrapped in electrical tape about 3 inches up. It was too far inside the console for me to reach so I didn't get a good look at it. I assumed that the electrical tape was due to the original owner re-installing the stock radio by themselves and it wasn't anything to worry about. There was one other plug that had a mate (besides the antenna wire), and it was a white single wire plug similar to the blue one that was unhooked. It was this wire (if I remember correctly) that had a fuse wired into the length of wire a couple of inches past the plug. I opened up the plastic case and looked at the fuse and it appeared okay. I decided that the stereo was to blame and went looking for a cheap stereo. I found a stock subaru am/fm radio (almost exactly like the existing one in the car) at the local goodwill for 6 bucks and snapped it up. Tonight I went back through the process of unhooking the battery and unscrewing all that mess and tried to just directly plug in the new (used) stereo but found that the plugs were quite different. My question is (boy, it took me a while to get here didn't it?)... is there an easy way to adapt the existing wires to the other stereo? Should I go to Car Toys and just buy a CD player and have them install it? I'm good at soldering wires but I'm not comfortable with dismantling the dashboard to attempt to fix things. Ideas?
  4. Hey guys, I'm clueless when it comes to how these things work. I've got an automatic 93 subaru loyale sedan. I had some problems before with the shifter in park and the car rolling to which someone mentioned it's probably just the shifter needing adjustment. Today after I changed the air filter (suprisingly easy... and boy did it need it) I started the car up and let it idle just to see if there was a difference and to see if I had noticed any problems with my installation of the new air filter. As I went to shut off the car I pressed in the brake pedal and the shifter jiggled. I tried it a few more times just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind and sure enough the shifter would jiggle every time I pushed in the brake pedal. Any idea what that is about and if I should be concerned? Thanks everyone, you've already been a huge help!
  5. Cool, thanks a bunch. I was getting nervous that there would be some major work needed. Overall I'm very happy with this little car. It's always run well, and sounds excellent since we got the oil change done. So I won't worry about the shifter until later then as I do need to get the brakes done first. I'm totally hooked on Subarus now and so is my girlfriend. She points them out every time we go driving somewhere.
  6. Just got an automatic 93 loyale 4 door sedan about a month ago. So far have done my best to repair some rust in the trunk (which I found strange but oh well) and had the 105,000 mile oil change done. Found records of all the Jiffy Lube work done on the car and everything they can do has been done on time in the past. Recently started having electrical problems: The dashboard clock won't keep time (something I could care less about) The stereo stops working but stays lighted when the headlights are on (wierd?) Just tonight when parking the shifter was in "P" but the car began to roll backwards when I started to get out. Quickly re-started and put car back in place, put it in park again and it stayed. I used the parking brake tonight just to be sure. Hopefully it isn't a transmission problem, but a major electrical problem wouldn't be good either. I'm a complete noob to automotive work, so anyone got some ideas for me (other than just taking it in and getting an estimate)?
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