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About romania_subaru

  • Birthday 09/15/1966

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Newbie (1/11)



  1. Hello Paul! Sorry for my latelly reply but I can`t have so much time to spent on the internet. I`m so happy too hear that you are romanian blood ! Can I speak in romanaian in the future? Ok! I want to ask you if you can help me in some problem with my car. I have an Subaru Legacy 1993, AWD with air suspension. A few days ago both front suspension are loosing the air. I decide to convert air suspension to clasic one (regular struts). For this I need any helpfull informations but the most I need those parts from junkyard or other places.Here in Romania old Subaru are not too many.If you can you can write me directly to florin_glontaru@yahoo.com. See you!
  2. Hi all! I found 35th code in the computer of my Legacy 1993 AWD LSI (2.2 engine). I know that is the foult of purge solenoid valve. First I want to ask if it is a major problem for the engine, and what can I do in this situations. Then I want to ask for help ! Who want to help me with some informations with original part number for this valve, and if I can find one from junkyard. The problem is that I`m from Romania cowntry East Europe, and here at junkyard I didn`t find any Subaru. IF someone from USA would help me to find for me at junkyard, the shipping cost are too high? Tks. and sorry for my bad english!
  3. Hi! Please , can you tell me at what mileage I should change my timing belt? And it is neceasary to change the set of role either. I hope that you understand my english! Florin
  4. Hi all! I have an 1993 Subaru Legacy 2,2 16V AWD automatic with Pneumatic suspension. I live in Romania country,East Europe. The car have 100.000 miles on board an I buy it 4 mounts ago. I don`t know when was the last change of the timing belt and I think that it is better to change anyway. This car came from USA. There is any possibilites to find out if the timing belt was changed in the USA? And second question is , if I will change the timing belt it is neccesary to change the whole set of idlers of timing belt and the tensioner? If yes, who can provide me the part numbers for those pieces? It is a high risk if I don`t change them? Thank you!
  5. Hi all! I have an 1993 Subaru Legacy 2,2 16V AWD automatic with Pneumatic suspension. I live in Romania country,East Europe. Here this car is very unknown and I have no ideea who can help me wirh informations about my Subaru in my country.This is the reason for my asking, and I`m sure that this is not the only question of mine! So! What can I do to maintain my suspension in good shape? I sow some rust under the rubber of suspension that seems to be abrasive? Can I protect it somehow? (Sorry for my english!!!)
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