96 OBW 2.5 Auto 300K miles
Two transmissions both had low speed chatter and binding of clutch plates.
Last summer installed new Costco Michelin tires.
Last fall had clutch pack rebuilt. Mechanic said to drive it awhile because the new plates needed time to seat and stop chattering.
Last Christmas mechanic said the new plates were burned up and the tranny had a worn seat where the shaft was riding causing the clutch pack to misalign and wear out. He said the tranny was junk.
I bought a used wrecking yard tranny through my mechanic and he installed it. It also chattered.
February mechanic rebuilt the clutch pack in the "new" tranny it worked fine except that it had no AWD and front tires slipped in the snow. He found a seal that had been cut on reassembly. He fixed seal and AWD worked but it now chattered again just like the original tranny. He said to drive it to break in the new clutch plates. He said that this clutch pack was "REALLY TIGHT" on reasembly.
I think I need a new mechanic. :-\
I have done some research and have discovered the term "Torque Bind", I am no Subaru mechanic but I think I have torque bind and the new Costco Michelin tires may be the culprit. I plan on checking their diameter this week.
Now my question is this, Outside of tire sizeing are there any other culprits which may be affecting the AWD clutch pack and be causeing it to bind?
How about the computer? or any other control mechanism?
So far I have replaced the entire transmission, the clutch packs twice (once per tranny), and the solenoid once, flushed both trannies twice.
When you install the fuse in the FWD the binding goes away.