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Everything posted by slideshow86

  1. Oh wow, when are you going back next? I saw a gen 2 brat? I need the rear sliding window lock for the pass side. its the plastic part that actually locks the window, so someone cant open it from the outside. Also noticed the tailgate trim has been snagged or removed? Is it laying in the back? Could you price the t-top things if the rubber trim is good? Oh also the pass side t-top latch has plastic clips that lock it in the up and down possition. If there good ill take that too. Im interested and will pay more for time to pull them? Thanks in advance. Jess
  2. Mine, been making them a little while now. Out of all ive sold, not one person has put them on yet? So I have no pictures of my lifts. Heres a link http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=82483 Thanks guys, cant wait!
  3. YUP not too worried about it. I posted it up a year ago. I didnt know anything about them, still really dont. Sounds like spun brgs ive heard, all in all it means eng is garbage to me.
  4. Well I forgot to post this up when I joined. Dont know if anyone cares to see. When I bought the car, the guage cluster said it had 132k It came w/ a shoebox full of reciepts totalling over $1500 of random things. Once I got it home I came across a reciept where the origional digi dash went out at 280k and a junkyard one was put in w/ 120k on it. WOW I thought I was just screwed. If the owner put 12k on it it has roughly 292k! OUCH well I just drove it till It popped. It lasted one ski season and a whole summer totalling about 25k! On the way home one day about 5 miles from my house. She popped sputtered and lost all HP. I got it down into 3rd and just layed it to the floor. It made it all the way home! Granted I was only doing about 15-18 mph. When I got home I thought, well you knew it was going to happen. Atleast it made it right? Walked inside to grab the camera and here ya go!
  5. So I finally got her towed from my shop to my house. I am waiting on a member to get home so he can bring me my manifold and webber. I got the adaptor plate and aircleaner today so ive just got to go get a battery and ill start throwing her together. She came sitting on the pugs and tires you see She had no interior. I bought all of it from a junkyard. Dropped in the dash, steering column, seats, steering wheel, door locks and threw a 4" lift on it. It is an 85 so its a hydro eng. Supposedly eng and chassis only has 90k on it? She still needs alot of work, as ive barely even touched it yet. Ill see how the eng runs before I yard it out. Hopefully she fires tonight! Dont mind my neighbors nasty red house. I put it over by them till it runs. Theres very very little rust. Theres zero rust in hard to fix places. It got hit in the rearend and I need to find somone w/ a brat and a spotweld drill :cool: . I am posting this up in the WTB section soon as im done here. I need this rear piece cut or drilled out. ^The above pic is hard to make out. I need the frame cap(that holds the bumper) on the pass side. It ripped out of the bed and was lost in the accident. It is the piece you see hanging in the lower picture. Thanks Jess
  6. Im sooo glad I dont have this issue. I havent driven one w/o turbo but mine w/ turbo has zero issues. Was actually kinda peppy when I was on 13's. Moving to the 27's, it still accelerates nice and cruzes 75 on the freeway. Pulls up hill in 5th.
  7. Im really going to try to make this. I may have my brat ready:banana: I just need to hustle. Um also need to swap in the lsd into my wagon. Where and when is the meeting place? Who is all going?? Isnt there anyone down this far in washington? Alaska style thats right in your neck of the woods? Jess
  8. Zap I totaly agree. Consider this Beta 1 I like the feedback. This one isnt finished just yet. I have to work at it in sections and cant run legally w/o a front bumper. I just used things I had laying around the shop. The only reason I used those tow hooks and not shackles is because it would have taken me too long to drill a 3/4" hole and plasma a piece out of a chunk of steel to hold the shackles. I want the tow points to be as "rated" as possible so thats what I threw on there. I was considering a front reciever but the design needs to have kickers that go to the stock tow points and bump up the gussets. How would you guys like to see this wrap around the corners? I just wanted to try to save a little weight. Would you rather see it boxed in and wrap around yet slim enough to keep as much clearance as I have? How would you guys like to see the lights mounted. This was a little hang up for me. As soon as I get a hoop made. I will hang my kc's off them and it will look trick. And for the next one ill gusset it up enough to hande a winch and/or trailer. I build trailer hitches and will try to get it as "rated" as possible. Also, shackle style tow hooks that are also rated. NEED MORE INPUT GUYS! Thanks Jess (shoot did I just say I build custom trailer hitches for a living, damn.....:whistling: )
  9. I dont see why not. Im pretty sure there all the same. If you have adjustable struts. The "deal" that your getting means they probably dont have adjustable's.
  10. I agree, spider gears in small diffs are not strong.
  11. I dont know. I used just enough steel to keep it solid but not too much to be too heavy. It is the same weight as the one I had on there so im not worried. I also have about 6.5-7hrs into it. Now that Im a little more familiar w/ it. I am going to try to make one a little faster. But its still alot of work in one setting. I did it after a full 8hr day at work and got home at like 1am. Send me some pix of what styles you guys like and/or would buy? Ill see what I can do. Make offer?
  12. Happy B-day! I just somehow caught this thread :-\ Hope you guys have fun Jess
  13. I dont know about goin wheeling north of monroe. I was watching that and the tahuya run. I picked up an lsd. But have been soo busy making lifts and building my brat to really have time. I am more like 40 mins from elbe. While all my 4x4 buddies (yota's, and chevs) were wheeling elbe and evans creek I was drifting. Now that I have a bunch of toys, I dont just drift every midnight hour Can someone lend me some driveway space and the torx socket so I could swap diffs really quick? I have all the fluids and have heard of alot of people getting away w/o grinding the housing. Ill show up early to a run and swap in the lsd before? Does every one here run kendal? I dont think im going to run it. I just dont know where to turn off the main roads and what goes where. Im down for meeting up w/ you guys and going wheeling a day every few weeks? Im also game for a walker run. I just need directions or find out general area. Take a look at it on a map or somthing. Jess
  14. I live in south western washington and was wondering if anyone wants to get together and show me some trails. Im looking for people somewhat in my area, because breaking along way from home sux. I live near olympia washington and notice most members in washington live in northern washington. I have been watching this part of the forum for awhile and there isnt much activity. How about a shout out for those in my area that could show me some trails? If not let me know where some are that arent too crazy. Thanks Jess
  15. Thanks guys! Im going to pull it when I get time and somthing different to possibly sell? Untill I make somthing KILLER. Really just killing time till I get a tube bender. Jess
  16. Got some new pix up. Here they are. Thanks for the comments guys!
  17. Right On! I would have made somthing work better if I had the time. I was going to search for this mod but, its right here! Thanks Jess
  18. Try less heat or less time spent on the surface your welding. Bounce around alot to keep it from warping. Like do 2in the move to the other side and do 2in, Keeping it as cool as possible. Try just doing a bunch of spot welds, not laying a constant bead. Hope this helps.
  19. Ya I seem to just kinda throw steel at stuff to see what I like. Ill end up changing this one around. If I had more time I would have made a beefy skid plate, but it gives me somthing to do after work next week. It really looks better in person. Like the things blocking my turn signals are locking hooks for recovery that you cant see. Ill take some day light pix. Ya we dont have anything that just jumps out in front of us. Thanks Guys! Jess
  20. I have been itching to make some sort of front bumper for awhile now. I dont have a tube bender so I was really unsure of how I was going to do it or what I really wanted. I went up to my shop today and just started throwing steel at it and this is what I came up w/. The pix kinda suck so ill take more on monday( going boarding tomorrow! ) I was unsure how I wanted to do my blinkers and had to get home so I just zip tied them behind it for now :-\ You dont really get that good of look at it but I think it turned out great. I am going to make a bull bar that is going to hold my kc's. What do you guys think? Old bumper I made 2.5 years ago for pushing people off the freeway. Really crappy pix of the new bumper Rear bumper I made in a hurry last week
  21. Oops, I also need the latch that locks the rear sliding windows. The pass side. Mines broke. Just give me a price Thanks Jess
  22. OH wow! Brats eh? It looks like the chrome trim on the tailgate of one brat is in good condition? Could you pull that for me? its like 3-4 phillips screws. I would pay shipping? Thanks! Jess Ooops Darn it, I just noticed there Gen 1's I need this piece for a gen 2
  23. Thanks for the find guys! Saves me alot of time. Carfreak- Hammer out the top mount and lower spacer out of the stock shocks. Put these in the urathane bushing instead of the ones they give you. This way you theres no drilling and you know theres enough surface there. The lower spacer they gave you is standard, you want to use your stock metric one. Thats why theres slop.
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