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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. alright here is all the specs... to check. -Class 2 hitch is rated to 3000 trailer capacity/300 pound tongue weight -car specs are 2000 with trailer brakes, 1000 without/200 tongue weight -Rack weighs around 25 pounds, rated to 400 pounds and for class 3 hitches. -1 1/4'' to 2'' adapter has 3500 pound carrying capacity haha. -bike weighs 192 and i plan to take the wheels off when transporting. (easier to strap down and less weight on the hitch) so I'm guessing I "should" be fine? -will
  2. The amount of weight that the hitch is vertically being subjected to. I think they basically mean the amount of weight the hitch can support.
  3. I am looking at a channel type rack, but as those weigh around 40 pounds, I think it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do. What I am thinking about doing now is getting a cargo carrier, take the front and rear wheels off. heres a link to what I am thinking about. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=41884 more conventional dirt bike carrior http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dirt-Bike-Motorcycle-Carrier-Trailer-Hauler-Hitch-Rack_W0QQitemZ4647856653QQcategoryZ34284QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I really appreciate the help, thanks! -will
  4. Thats great news! Still think it would be smart to try to tie part of it to the roof rack-taking a little load off the hitch? Also since the reciever is a class 2 and i need an adapter for it to fit the rack, would I have to worry about the weight of the bike stripping apart the hitch? Basically anything I should worry about or keep in mind?
  5. actually I reread the manual and the tongue weight limit for the outback is 200, and 165 for the sedan. still is it alright?
  6. I have a 99 legacy outback that I would like to put a bike rack on to haul my dirtbike. the hitch I would put on is a class 2 with a 3000/300tongue weight limit with a 1 1/4 receiver. The rack requires a class 3, 2 by 2 in reciever, so I could simply get an adapter. I checked the owners manual and the tongue weight limit for my car is 165 pounds and my bike weighs around 190-195 pounds. A guy at work mentioned that if i used tie downs attached to each corner of the rack and tied those to the roof rack, it would significantly reduce the load on the rack. Would this be safe? If not are there any other options other than a trailer? Thanks, Will
  7. Here is my problem... I want to put a tow hitch on my outback so I can tow my dirtbike. The only available hitches for the legacy outback are Class 2, 3000 pound tow limit and 300 pound tongue weight and has a 1 1/4in reciever. I would like to get a dirtbike rack which weighs about 25 pounds but it requires a class 3 hitch with a 2inx2in reciever hole. Now my dirtbike weight 190 pounds, would it be safe to get an adapter for the hitch from 1 1/4in (class 2) to the 2inx2in (class 3)? I'd really rather a rack instead of a trailer. I would be well under the tongue limit for the hitch rating. The rack basically looks like a platform perpendicular to the car with a square tube the plugs into the hitch. Thanks, edit- well i just checked the owners manual and it said the tongue weight limit was 165 pounds, even though the u haul hitch i'm getting is rated to 3000 trailer weight/300 tongue weight... So I guess there is no safe way to put my bike on a rack? Will
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