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Everything posted by garth

  1. its leaking from where the plastic top tank meets the metal finned part...its like clamped together...
  2. hello..I have an 01 outback with the 3.0 motor and an AUTO tranny...My radiator is slowly leaking where the top tank meets the finned part. I am thinking I will need a new one soon...so before it lets go for good can anyone recommend a brand to me...thanks in advance...Garth
  3. I just bought one too...mine is white with a black inside...it does the same thing...my .02
  4. well...I am 6'1 and I think its a 2 fold problem...I am really not happy with the width of area where your feet go....plus my right leg/knee hits the consol....and my legs are bent...for a long drive I would like at least 2 more inches.....then I will be home free!!!
  5. I need to alter the seat rail...(both myself and my honey need more leg room) I dont know what I need to do? thanks....Garth
  6. thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!! you dont know how much I was going to kick my own a##!!! I wanted the 3.0 and changed my mind!!!
  7. just bought the car....have they fixed the problem yet?? its a 2.5 SOHC....thanks in advance...Garth
  8. I just bought the car last night...it has the factory RE92's on it...I would like a tire that will do good in the snow and last a while...I know that is a tall request....plus...if any of you guys can tell me the in and outs of my car ...something I should know...please do....it has 14k on it and its an auto...thanks in advance...G!
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