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Everything posted by Richard1296

  1. The only whining noise in my car at 130 is the wife. And it is right loud. Seriously though...rear wheel bearings make a lot of noise that sounds like tire whine. Richard
  2. Thank You both The car is at a local Subaru dealer. It is said to have been exposed to salt water during shipping and because of that carries no body rust through warranty. It includes all the other factory warranty's. It has 27 miles on it and looks perfect. It has a big discount on it...big. I just wanted to make sure the salt water didn't get on it in New Orleans or Florida from flooding. Shipping salt exposure shouldn't be any more severe that a winter driving on salted roads. Now to negotiate the trade in . Again Thanks a Lot
  3. JF1GG68656H814098 I'm looking at this 2006 Subaru ...don't ned to know anything except is it OK ? It has 29 miles on it and is being sold at a Subaru dealer as used due to exposure to salt water in "shipping" . I don't suppose it was shipped to New Orleans first ???? Great Price...I'm cautious (suspicious).. Thanks Richard
  4. Well when you figure out the radio display dimming when you hit the brake pedal....let me know. My 90 Legacy LS AWD (auto) also does it. And I have replaced the alternator . And mine only does it without the headlights or parking lights on. If I cause the radio display to dim as it would when driving at night, the display does not change. Kinda strange....... Richard
  5. My personal preference would be Freeze 12 or Freezone rather than Duracool. Duracool is not approved for use in auto ac systems . It works just fine, it is flamable though. However most any AC chemical when it contains lubricating oils will burn, and R-12 was very toxic when burned. Still Duracool is not approved mainly for its flamability. Freeze 12 and Freezone are not flamable (except for the fact they contain flamable oils). 134A also has advantages....you can get it almost anywhere, it does require flushing the R12 systems before installing, something the others don't. It is illegal to mix any refrigerant with R12, even though Freeze 12 and Freezone will mix with R12 and work just fine . If you are going to do it right....have the system flushed before you install any refrigerant. My experience with 134 in my 90 Legacy has been very good. It cools as well any AC I have seen in a car. The one thing to remember is to start slightly undercharged and monitor the cold air temperature. Add SMALL amounts of 134 till the temperature quits lowering and then rises. Remove the last SMALL amount added and quit there. My car likes 32 pounds low side pressure and provides 35 degree air on the opern road and 40 degree in town. It does as good as any of my cars with R12. And yes, I am licensed. Richard1296
  6. Not good...I doubt SOA considered the car would still be in service with 185,000 miles. After 16 years I'd think it's time to change it. Richard1296
  7. My 90 Legacy has an external transmission oil filter. It was on the car when I got it. Anyone know where to get a replacement, and possibly have a part number. I haven't looked at it too close. I don't know if it spins off like the engine oil filter or is replaced like the fuel filter. I just want to flush as much transmission fluid as I can and install a new filter. Thanks Richard1296
  8. Ok will try it tomorrow and let you know what happens. Time to call it a night. I get up a 5 am. Thanks Richard
  9. Yes that kills it working on a lift...it just seems that it should do more with all 4 wheels on a slick surface. Maybe not...This is my first Subaru and only had it a few months. It was garage kept and is as clean as a new car, uses no oil in 4000 miles. If its doing what it should then the last owner (who has had 4 subaru's) outsmarted himself and sold me a bargain. Richard
  10. Previous owner said last winter it spun the front tires. Rear tires never spun, only moved at a speed equal to what the car moved. I would expect front and rear to spin on ice when trying to make them spin. I bought the car at a price that reflected a non-working AWD. I could not get the reat tires to spin in gravel when I tried last weekend. Only the front would spin. I would expect all wheels to spin at least a little for a brief time. Richard
  11. I meant the testing procedure to say that the rear wheels did turn against the parking brake when it was pulled. The front was spinning all the time. DAMFINO Richard
  12. I think its on the rear...I can hear it when I pull the handle. At least I hope thats what I hear. But there must be a Subaru "approved" way to test the AWD for function. Richard
  13. Well just got back from the Subaru service department....they tell me my AWD is working fine. They test it on a lift and pull the parking brake . It definitely turns the back wheels against the brake. But last winter it would spin the front tires and the rears didn't seem to be doing anything. They sure didn't spin on ice when the front was spinning then. Other than being $75 lighter I really don't know any more than I did before the visit. Anyone know how to test the AWD and get a definite answer. Richard
  14. Thats not what I wanted to hear. Had to order a O2 sensor ...won't have it till Monday. Going to take the 90 Legacy to see its mom tomorrow. I will see what my semi-local Subaru service department can tell me about why my AWD does not work I still need to replace the ECU, going salvage yard shopping Saturday looking for one. I asked Blackbart...he didnt have one but said he would see what he could find, so unless I get lucky Saturday everything will be at a stand still. Thanks Very Much to all who have helped me Richard
  15. According to my semi-local Subaru service department the following numbers should all interchange and work. 22611-AA380 22611-AA381 22611-AA382 22611-AA383 I hope they know what they are talking about 1990 Legacy LS automatic build date 10/89 I don't have the numbers off of mine. How hard is the computer to get to. I'm 6 foot and 210 pounds. Getting under the dash ain't as easy as it once was. Thanks Richard
  16. A complete reset of the computer has cleared the 22, 32, and 35 error codes. I figure a little driving tomorrow will find out if they will return . Letting the car run for about 10-15 minutes in the driveway and shutting it off and restarting and then reading for codes the only code left was a 45....atmospheric sensor bad. I will reset it one more time and if the 45 remains then I guess I need to find a ECU. It is Subaru # 22611-AA382. Anyone know if other ECU's can be substituted or not. I have no idea whats available locally, and internet pricing ranges from $175 for a used one to $500 for a new one. Thanks all for the help so far. More on this saga to come. Thanks Richard1296
  17. It will be tomorrow evening till I can reset the computer. I assume removing the ECU fuse and restarting the car and letting it idle till warmed up. The wife will probably drive it in the morning to work and back (1 mile) I can remove the fuse and let it sit for about 30 minutes and then replace the fuse and let it idle till warm. Then rejoin the black connectors and read the codes on the CEL. the code 45 is usually terminal (bad ECU) if I read the manual provided by 777 Legacy correctly. Wish you had a transmission manual in.zip like the engine/electrical you provided. I thank you all for your helping me this far. I will trouble you some more tomorrow. Thank You Richard1296
  18. The more I mess with the car the less I know. I fixed the CEL... It didn't work at all, Now I got lotsa trouble codes (45,35,32,22) from the ECU and also a 22 from the TCU. Again the car runs fine, starts fine, and gives good fuel mileage. I think I may have to resort to a Subaru dealer. Richard1296
  19. The transmission service manual...or as much info as I can get Thanks Richard
  20. Sent you a PM with my email Sent you 2 PM's...one with my email Thanks Richard1296
  21. OK I shall elaborate. When I start the car the power light flashes 16 times. The 16 flashes is just to get attention and is not a code. By going through the semi- elaborate procedure of shifting through the gears, pushing the power button on/off, and turning the ignition on/off , the light can be made to flash the code 22 (two long two short flashes) . Since this is a transmission code I was hoping it is why there is no AWD. The AWD works fine with all 4 wheels off the ground. When in loose gravel (and snow last winter) the AWD only works for a second then kicks out, even when the front wheels are still spinning, the rear is just along for the ride. The car runs great, uses no oil (180,000 miles), does not leak (unusual) and the transmission shifts perfectly, maybe a bit crisp in the 1-2 shift if on the gas just a little, but not harsh by any means. I can go through the diagnostic procedure that is similar to the code retrieval process and the code 22 will go away ....until the car is driven some. I can move the car foreward and reverse in the driveway and the code remains gone. A drive arounnd the block and it comes back. One Subaru dealer said it was an electrical problem , a second Subaru dealer said it was the clutch pack in the AWD. I don't mind paying to get it repaired.....I just don't want someone to continually swap out parts at my expense till he stumbles on the problem. I got the car at a very good price since the owner told me the AWD didn't work, I just hope I can get it working without rebuilding the whole car. And thanks all for the help, I'm new to Subaru's. Though if the 0% financing returns I may get a new Impreza ...and keep the 90 too. That'll be 2 Mustangs, a F-150, a Hyundai, and 2 Subaru's. And its just me and the wife. Did I elaborate enough Thanks All Richard1296
  22. Does the manual give an indication of how much trouble to change the module. I think a local "salvage yard" has several Legacy's for me to get parts off of. I guess all modules are the same Thanks Again Richard1296
  23. And where are these control modules. After doing a diagnostic to find these codes they go away until the car is driven. Where is the wire and its color if you can tell. Strange I can "clear" them and they return. This is my first Subaru....bought it as a daily driver and its a great car excepppt the AWD doesn't work....I assume because of the 22 code. Thanks Richard1296
  24. I have a transmission code I read off of the power light. Code is 22...Atmospheric Sensor. Where is it on a 90 Legacy. And the transmission has a Atmospheric Sensor ???? I assume this is why it won't go into AWD, don't seem to have any kind of bind, and the transmission works fine. Richard1296
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