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ocei77 last won the day on May 30 2024

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About ocei77

  • Birthday 01/22/1947

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    Suby mods,bowhunting,photography,camping and such
  • Occupation
    Retail store manager
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  • Vehicles
    04 Legacy

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  1. doubt it, but just in case, look at the heater core in the service manual. Had to do it once on a 98 Outback. Three hours out and three hours in.
  2. IIRC up to 2012. Diiferences are 06 heads up have VVT, but you are not using them anyway. Impreza engines will work, but you need to use your old oil pan. Your 03 manifold stays. You will have to work around the PCV valve arrangement as i am sure the manifold to air box is diffent. Surely someone else will chime in. O.
  3. AFAIK from 90-94 are mostly the same. Look here: www.main.experiencetherave.com - /subaru_manual_scans/ Osei
  4. When was the timing belt last changed? I assume this a two piece tensioner. Still has tension? Any codes?
  5. Are the fans coming on? Are you getting bubbles in the overflow tank? Did you recently do something with the cooling system? If so, did you fill the block first and then the radiator or just the radiator?
  6. Keep everything. The 25D headbolts are a different length than the 2.2. Also the mounting point and the dip stick length are different. The ect may be different and depending on the year may be in a different location on the crossover pipe (ie: front or back). More power to you
  7. I hear you. For awhile I went the other way. 2.2 block with 25D heads as noted by DOHC22E. Dohc ej22e - Second Generation Legacy (1994 - 1998) - LegacyGT.com Fun, but sadly non engine issues killed it.
  8. once the bolts are removed they'll come right up. Watch the torque on install if you want to keep the heads. They are INCH pounds not foot lbs. O.
  9. Yes.. Index of /Auto/Japan/Subaru (jdmfsm.info) www.main.experiencetherave.com - /subaru_manual_scans/
  10. tiresize.com/ comparison According to this site the diameter is 1.8" larger. The width being the same , you should have room to clear the perch. Check
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