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Everything posted by SLCGL87

  1. I'm interested in the engine wiring harness, the 3-way emissions valve (right behind the thermostat housing), and a few other bits. You selling those?

  2. Having the same problem with my '87 SPFI wagon. Haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet, but compression was low on pass. side of engine (2 and 4, I believe). I feel your pain! Any luck?
  3. So, here's the results for the compression test: #1: 45 psi #2: 0 (that's right, 0, zip, nada) psi #3: 80 psi #4: 60 psi I am assuming that these are very bad, bad enough to make the engine not start. So, methinks that I will begin searching for a rebuilt/used engine that has better numbers. Anybody got any suggestions? I've checked with CCR, but want to look around more at all the options I have. Thanks again for all your help.
  4. Ok, so here's what I've checked today, and what I'm gonna check tommorow: Checked the codes; all I got was the vehicle identification (code 6 in the Haynes manual) MT, California car. I checked this by leaving the green one-wire connecters in front of the driver's side window, putting the key in the "on" position, and reading the blinks on the ECU. The book reccomended disconnecting the diag. wires under the dash as well. I checked the codes with both the diag. wires under the dash plugged together (pink 4-pins and white 4-pins), as well as not plugged together (and the green and white one-pins connecters plugged in to each for both attempts) Needless to say, for all combinations, the code was the vehicle ID code-code 6. (By the way, I looked at my '92 Loyale, and the white ones are unplugged too. Should both green and white be unplugged after checking the codes?) So, unless I am doing something wrong, nothing seems to be coming up in the codes. -To reaffirm Loony, yes, all it does is crank. No popping, coughing, backfiring-nada-even with highly flammable carb cleaner sprayed in. -To answer Keltik, yes, I have a pretty solid blue spark. -For the TDC and distributor position, when the pass, side cam gear mark (the little pinprick hole) is at approx. 10:30, the distributor rotor is pointing at at plug wire 1. (thanks for the walkthrough, hooziewhatsit) -The plug wires do go to their respective cylinders in the order of 1324 (starting at 1 on the distributor, I followed each of them back). So.... Tommorow I will drain out the gas, and check the compression on all cylinders, as well as pick up a fuel filter and some fresh gasoline. If you have any comments on the above, let me know. I really appreciate everybody's help!
  5. Thanks for the help so far. Here's where I am at currently, after trying the things that were suggested (Northwet and Crayola, I tried your ideas, too): I checked the timing belts by taking off the covers. The cams are indeed 180 degrees from each other (the marks are). The distributor spins like a charm. It's getting spark to all cylinders, as well as fuel to the throttle body. I am running out of ideas. What do you think about the possible head gasket/overheating history I mentioned, and what about the fuel pump that seems to keep initializing? How about possible electronic control issues? Might something be amiss in the electronic control module?
  6. Nope, carb cleaner didn't work. What else should I try?
  7. Ah, forgot to put that in the posting. I checked both of the timing belts, and they are not broken, and I didn't notice any oil on either one. I'll try the carb cleaner trick and see what happens.
  8. Just joined USMB after finding it a couple weeks ago. And, what great timing for the discovery.... I have aquired a '87 GL 5spd D/R wagon recently, with a cherry body and decent interior (that's what drew me to it-gotta love those southwest cars). The guy I bought it from said that he had bought it at an auction, and had intended to repair it and resell it. Needless to say, the "repair it" part did not happen-he just re-sold it-to me. Supposedly, it had ended up at the auction after being abandoned at a local shop by its previous owners because they did not want to pay the repairs charge. The guy who bought it at auction brought it to a shop, where they supposedly said something about a blown head gasket. I figured, sure, I'll get it home, put the plugs back in, start her up, and figure out what's the issue, and how bad it is. Well, the long and short of it is she turns over like a charm, but absolutely no combustion. Not even a cough. So, I check the spark-at the coil, at the distributor, at the plugs. There's a spark. Check the fuel at the filter, then at the throttle body inlet-fuel comes out strong. Mess around with the distributor-nothing. Three things of interest: 1. The car has been sitting for a while on a full tank of gas: any chance the gas has lost any combustive power, so is not able to explode (highly unlikely in my mind, but let me know what you think) 2. When the key is in the "on" position, there is a brrrrrrr sound (I believe it is the fuel pump initializing) that happens every 3 to 4 seconds (in my '92 Loyale, this only happens once, when I first turn the key to "On" 3. I removed the aftermarket cruise control, and cut some wires that had been going to the cruise control; I figured there wouldn't be a problem, as the device those cut wires went to is not installed anymore. Am I wrong, and might there be a ground problem? Like I said, I'm new, but I would appreciate any and all help. Thanks!
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