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    90 Legacy wagon

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  1. Gosh!! Actually bolting it down cleared the CEL!! whodathunk it??? Thanx for the replies!!
  2. I hope it's not the wire. The old one had a big crack in it. Hopefully, the code will clear after I get it bolted down. That is a PITA to get to!!
  3. 1990 Legacy L gotta luv watching the check engine light flash fun!! Code 22, improper knock sensor voltage. I got a new one. One mechanic told me that because it is a two wire device (not dependent on ground) I could just plug it in and not bolt it down. Is this correct? That did not seem to work. I spent two days doing the battery dance and playing with the diag connectors. I notice that the torque spec is quite specific at 16 ft/lb. Question: does the voltage change as the sensor is "squeezed"? Question 2: I remember a pic (can't find it again) of the "right" orientation. IIRC the manual calls for a 45 degree offset for the output wire. I plan on running it 45 degrees pointed toward the left fender, kinda pointing directly at the driver's seat. Any other opinions? I DO plan to put anti seize on the bolt threads, steel vs. aluminum etc. Thanx, Mike
  4. I just had to find my diag connectors on my 90 Legacy. I had to drop the TCU (?) box to get to them. I'm gonna make them easier to get to by taking some of the tape off and "freeing" them from the bundle. Once I found them it was easy to diagnose my bad knock sensor.
  5. Thanx for the replies. It looks like Rockauto might be my best bet. Installing two rear struts will double the value of my car
  6. I done some digging in the various forums but can't seem to find the answer. I have a 1990 Legacy wagon with only 140k on it. I've done the front struts but the parts store wants stupid prices for the rears. I've seen that I can swap top hats and use later model struts but i can't find exact information. If anyone has some for sale I'd be interested. I'm sure I need springs too. AFIK OEM is still in there from when my dad bought it new in 1990. You can also reply to mcopeland at pobox dot com Thanx, Mike
  7. btw you can email

    mcopeland at pobox dot com

  8. I'm interested in the p/s pump and perhaps the a/c compressor. What are you asking for it.

  9. I need the power steering pump, hoses too, for a 90 legacy wagon, zip is 27523



  10. I am looking for someone in the Raleigh-Durham area to help me with my 90 Legacy wagon. Thanx Mike
  11. I'm looking for a reliable non-dealer Subaru shop in the Raleigh-Durham area. Thanx Mike
  12. Excellent pic! Thanx! Looks like I have the filter installed. My ATF looks good. My dad kept it maybe too full, but the fluid looks and smells fine.
  13. Is this true for a 16 yr old Legacy wagon? My Dad just gave me his and am just learning about Subies. I want to see if I have it, where is this filter located? thx
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