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About 99subrew

  • Birthday 12/11/1972

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  • Vehicles
    99 impreza & 05 outback

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Member (2/11)



  1. Thanks 2 every1 on here for all the good advise! I used my autotech atf temp gauge long enough and last night it was time to install the cooler. I decided to go with a big cooler because I need the cooler to work fast. It worked perfect 2day. I bought a Hayden 11 x 11 1/2 and cramed it in there, when I got up to speed for about 2 miles the temp hand feel down fast and made a good 25 to 30 degree drop. This is perfect for mail cars because as soon as I stop to deliver again it creeps back up, but never gets above 180 becuase the fans kick on. I'm stoked!!!! You wouldn't need a big cooler like this normally , but this works perfect under almost idle conditions.
  2. 93 legacy lost compression, but i drove it until it became unsafe, the used tranny was still fine just couldn't convince the better half to let me drop a used engine in it that I found. That car was hungry, it chewed up some front axles. I guess because one wheel was always on pavment and the other slipped in the mud and dirt causing the axles to spin and lock all the time. Oh yeah, I had to use that button on the shifter to get it out of park after a while, but it didn't seem to make a differece in the way it drove just another add on to the driving check list on older cars.
  3. Nope wish it was, but it's a regular impreza sport, but I did modify the center console. I took it out and added some 2x4s to make it level, then I set gray towels over them for cushion. It's not the most comfortable but it works pretty good. My last car was a 93 legacy that died at 208,000 so this is my second subaru mail car. I'll miss the room the legacy had for packages when Christmas time returns. tcspeer how often do you change your fliud ?
  4. Thanks ! Did anyone install this themselves, if so how difficult was it ?
  5. has anyone had wipers on 1999 impreza act up on them? mine seem to be adjusted properly, they are just weak in mist or dry conditions and during rain they hit the side post then they go down and hit the cowl ( which is loud and really annoying ) could the plastic gears in the motor be striped ? im stumped
  6. thanks for the feedback, im really siked on my temp gauge, seeing my atf holding at 205, 210 makes me feel better about adding a cooler. is it worth adding the synthetic with these temps ? what is the flash point of regular tansmision fliud? thanks
  7. I took the advise I recieved here and bought a ATF analoge gauge. It is installed and tested...the highest temps so far on the mail route is 210 degrees although the weather here just got 20 degrees cooler, around 70 outside. On the mail route it rarely gets below 200 so i'm thinking it's time for a cooler, what do ya'll think I should get, I was thinking permacool car truck so it would be a little bigger?
  8. it does seem like the temp readings you would get from the pan would be altered with cool fliud returning into the system. were do most drag cars, race cars etc. put theirs?
  9. sense i'm putting mine inline, i suppose it should go on the hose exiting the tranny? this is were i was going to mont it so i could see what the temp is b4 cooled....?
  10. thats the one i ordered from Summit! thanks for the link, i cant wait to bolt it up and see temps....i think im reaching 230- 230 at times but its only a guess.
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