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Ultimate Subaru Message Board


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    ladysmith b.c
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    I Love My Subaru

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  1. Its not really worth it man....the performance gains over the non turbo are not very substantial and there is alot to do I.E wiring, sensors, new dash, ecu.....and so on....it would be cheaper and easier to just go and bye a legacy turbo.....and bye the way....the most reliable turbo engine is the 2.2 wrx engine (i know it has an open deck)
  2. 20-50 is also good for higher milage engines...and because of the boxer configuration, It helps during cold start to keep a thicker layer of oil on your cylinder wall. Ladysmith is located in B.c on vancouver island about 1 1\2 hours north of victoria.
  3. hey.....like everyone says keep up on the oild changes.....the noise is the oil pump....to keep it quiet use 20-50 castrol gtx and a little lucas oild stabalizer. feel free to mail me....i work for a subaru only auto wrecker....i know tons
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