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Everything posted by Bizangous

  1. Thanks for the info. It appears there were 2 problems at once. No power to the pump and the pump needed to be whacked a few times. I fixed the power problem (bad connection at the pump) and pump still wouldn't run. I removed the pump to test it more easily than under the car hit it with the hammer handle a few time and it started working. I re-assembled everything than the car started up just fine.
  2. Well.... I tried knocking on the fuel pump with the hammer and nothing happened. So i found the test light and there appears to be no power reaching the pump. The fuses are good and so are the fuesable links, I checked today. I guess I will start looking for other problems in the electrical system. Any suggestions on where to look?
  3. I have a 92 loyale 4wd with 160k miles. The last time I drove it was about 3 weeks ago and it worked fine. I went to drive it today and it wouldn't start. Engine cranks and there is spark. It appears there is no fuel getting to the engine, plugs are dry and don't smell like fuel. Any ideas where to start? I don't think any of the fuses or fuesable links are bad. I don't hear the fuel pump when the ignition is on so maybe there?
  4. Shocks and struts were on sale to I bought some and guess what? The noise is now gone.
  5. I use RVT blue on the water pump along with the paper gasket. I put the RVT on the waterpump side and it helps the gasket stick to the pump and makes it easy to put the bolts threw.
  6. I think it is a blown cartridge in the strut. I loaded the car with about 600lbs of cement wall. Drove it around and no noise. Here is my theory. The cartridge is low on oil so when the car is empty it rattles because of lack of oil until the pistion inside the cartridge reaches the oil level. Like was said because of the limitied oil the cartridge still has some dampening left and the car passes the bounch test on the struts. After I unloaded the car of the cement wall and drove home the noise was gone. About 5 miles down the road it returned but not at full blast. I think some oil was elevated in the cartridge and stoped the noise but as I drove and the oil drianed down the noise returned but not totaly because the oil didn't finish draining. Long story Short, I think I need new struts in the rear to make the noise go away and the car is not totaly unsafe to drive.
  7. Still the same noise with the exhaust padded. I tend to think this internal strut rattle is the problem, I contemplated this but didn't know if this could happen but I guess it can. My question is... IF this is the source of the noise is it ok to still drive on the strut or do I need new ones. It will be time soon because the car has 130k on it but I would like to hold a bit. By the way, no loose trim or decoration stuff that I know of but I will keep looking.
  8. I can duplicate the sound when the car is parked by jumping up and down in the back. It is still only coming from the dirvers rear wheel well.
  9. Muffler is a possiblility. My tail pipe fell out some time ago
  10. I have narrowed down the rattle but now I think it is more of a light knock. The sound is deffinatly coming from under the car from the drivers rear wheel well. I sat in the back of the car with a long screwdriver and listend to where the nosie was coming from. I removed the strut in that wheel well and there is nothing I can do to it to get any sounds out of it and all of it's components seem fine. I did notice that when the first bit of weight is first but on the car I hear a small klunk noise that comes from both rear wheel bearings but since i only get the sound out of the drivers side wheel I figured that was normal. Also the noise can only be herd from the interior of the car. If I stand on a bumpy section of road and the car drives by I hear nothing out of the ordinary but the driver hears the noise. One other potentally helpful pice of information. When I increased the air pressure in the tires the noise got louder. Bizangous
  11. I checked the exahust and doors/gate. They all seem good. How do I check the struts? They pass the bounce the car test and don't make any knock or rattle type noises when I bounce the car or when I grab them and shake.
  12. I'm new on this board and it is really cool, I also have a question. I drive a 92 loyale wagon with 138,000 miles, Manual 4wd. I noticed a rattling noise coming from the rear driver’s side of the car. I took it to a shop and they said I needed new bushing on my crossmember where it connects into the frame. I had the bushings replaced as well as a worn bushing holding the rear diff. The rattling is still there. I can only hear it when driving under 40mph. I can't replicate the sound by jumping on the car or shaking any of the rear suspension or exhaust parts. I have also taken everything out the trunk and secret compartments in the back. Any ideas on what this rattle could be?
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