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About Suborsche

  • Birthday 12/22/1984

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bellevue, WA
  • Referral
  • Biography
    Found a $200 GL wagon in need of love on CL that resulted in a lifelong passion for subarus.
  • Vehicles
    83 GL "Mountain Goat"

Suborsche's Achievements


Member (2/11)



  1. SWEET! I love the RX! Have you thought about converting it into a rally car?
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking to tow this thing back to the eastside and my dad and I are going to use a tow bar but don't know how it connects to the Justy. Here's the bar we were gunna get: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=94696 Will that connect to the Justy's bumper? I think the car has 2 tow hooks on the front, but I dont remember and couldn't find and online owners manual.
  3. I'd love to keep the car. I bought it for my sister (with her money) thinking it would be a great car to commute back and forth from WSU with. She liked it until she drove next to a semi on the freeway. The car does have under 80k original to my knowledge. We checked out the carfax before we purchased it and it had only one owner, local car, and the last mileage report showed 56k. My dad has the sheet in a file at his house so I'd have to double check it for the exact mileage and date. If it were my decision this would be the perfect opportunity to build a justy with a turbo and squeeze some HP out of that little 3 cyl! I couldn't even imagine how much fun that thing would be on a snowy road.
  4. I've checked on the Justy board, but it seems like most those threads tail off after someone attempts the project. It looks like we're going to find an engine and just get the car running and sell it. I'll throw some pics up on the board for you guys to look at. Right now the car is stuck in Ellensburg and my dad and I can't tow it until the snow slows down in the pass. Anyone else know where to get a good Justy engine?
  5. I was smart enough to research that the auto is crap, and made sure she got a 5spd. I talked to a close by junkyard with a justy engine he claims has compression of 155 across the top. I might offer him less than he's asking and drop that thing in. Anybody completed a turbo project here? Just wondering how hard it is/how reliable it is.
  6. Thats a great site. They have a justy engine listed in Kent...I'm awaiting an email reply from them. I know I shoulda done some more research on the thing before we got it, however in my defense the car was in fantastic shape inside and out. Plus it was super low miles...70k something i think. I figured it was a subaru, 5sp and 4x4, didn't leak oil, ran great, and was in her price range. Plus, I had aspirations of buying it from her and turbo charging the bad boy. Also, its a 90, I got the year mixed up. All was well the first month or so she drove it, but my sister in terribly tough on cars and doesn't know a thing about maintaining them (the perfect storm). My dad had just finished changing the oil before she drove it to its death. She told us it left a big oil spot when she parked for only a half hour....and i know she was driving it like it was her boyfriends Audi A4 1.8T. We're stuck between dropping a new engine in and selling it as is. I'll keep you guys posted on the situation.
  7. bought my 83 GL Wagon for $200 with 212k...about a year and a half later it has 218k. I'd say almost all those miles were put on it going to and from snoqualmie...high altitude miles. I should say "semi" high altitude miles.
  8. Well, my sister needed a new car so we found a 94 Justy with a perfect interior and under 80k. Car ran great and was in good shape inside and out...that is until she got it. On her way to pullman today she threw a rod (someone reported a car with flames coming out the back) and now we're stuck with a busted justy. Upon further inspection the guy who towed her said the rod went through the block! so much for a 3cyl going 70+mph. ANY IDEAS? I'd love to put a ej22 or ea82 in there, but i realize it might be harder than I think. We're looking for a quick fix and would love any sort of input you guys might have. Thanks a bunch.
  9. Well, I had the battery and alternator checked, both were pumping out 14V and while trying to start my car again the guy at schucks noticed my battery terminal was arcing. $2 and a clean terminal later I had found my problem. It pisses me off when I struggle with an issue and make it much more complicated than it really is. Thanks for the help guys...now its time to take care of my decreasing oil pressure.
  10. Option 3 looks like it would be the coolest. PLUS I can say it's Nitrous! Scoobie Power! Thanks for the help. I'll keep you guys posted.
  11. One evening when leaving REI my car decided not to start when I turned the key. It had enough battery power and had been running fine earlier so I decided to push it, throw it in second, and bump start it. The thing fired up and I made it to my buddies where it started right up after I parked it. Now the car will not start at all...so if I need to drive it I have to make sure I'm parked on a hill or have some man power to push her. I have replaced the coil, and starter, however still I just get a click when I turn the key. The starter doesn't crank and the engine won't turn over. My battery and alternator are fine because as soon as I bump start the car I can drive for hours. The only problem is when I shut her off it will not start up. Soobcrazy and I checked his factory repair manual and couldn't find anything wrong with the car. I was told I have a "federal" model because I have no ECU (if that is of any help). WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CAR??? Do you guys have any ideas? Any troubleshooting tips? I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
  12. My mom has a 2001 outback in desperate need of tires. I'm looking for a good A/S that will work well in the wet northwest. Durability and price are a factor. I checked out consumer reports and they rated a Michelin Pilot A/S high (not sure which model). Just wondering what you guys are running and what has worked well. Thanks.
  13. Well I decided to purchase both. I met a guy on the board who's selling both carbs and an intake manifold that already has the adapter plate welded to it. Apparantly the webber needs to be rebuilt and the holley has just been rebuilt, tested, but never installed. I'm thinking I'll switch the holley to electric choke (anyone know how to do that? which kit to use?) and my buddy has called dibs on the webber. Of course I can't make a final decsion until I slap everything onto the car. Needless to say I'm pretty stoked. The parts should arrive late next week or early the following. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks for all the useful information. I forgot...heres a link to the pics: http://homepage.mac.com/putnamj/Subaru/PhotoAlbum5.html
  14. How about the Holley's that are suppossed to be the same as webbers?
  15. I'm thinking of getting a webber for my EA81. Are there any issues I should be worried about? I have heard that installing them and getting them to run properly is a pain in the @$$. Are there any issues with the air filter clearing the hood? My car is intended to be cheap and problem free. I'll be taking it to the mountains alot to snowboard. Should I rebuild my Hitachi or purchase a Webber?
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