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  • Location
    Rossland BC canada
  • Vehicles
    1992 Loyale 4wd wagon

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  1. I am looking at using my 92 loyale wagon 4wd 5spd as a "toad" behind my converted bus. I have read conflicting info on what steps need to be taken for this to be done safely. I don't need to worry about a brake buddy or anything as I have ample stopping power from the tow vehicle. 1- How do I disengage the steering wheel lock without having the ignition on the entire time? 2- Can I just leave the car out of gear and let it "freewheel" along or will this damage the tranny or somthing? 3- How do I keep the steering wheel straight (ish)? I have heard stories of peoples wheels turning sharply and being dragged or the vehicle snaking along behind. I am going to modify a tow bar I have for a VW beetle. I am thinking a bush guard with tabs or hooking strait on to the tow hooks. I will just use magnetic lights for "trailer" lighting instead of diodes or second bulbs it the housing. Any help would be appreciated from those who know these vehicles. -Richard in Rossland
  2. How does one get the torque to move those tires? My 92 ea82 5 spd wagon seems to have enough trouble on it's own? Is the high/low enough or are major drivetrain/engine mods generally done with these? -Richard
  3. Hello All! Now that it is snowy here I am noticing a trail of black muck that comes out of my tailpipe when the car is warming up. It is a 92 loyale ea82 wagon that just had "new" lifters, heads and gaskets installed. I think it did this beforehand also. Is this just blow by on the rings with a cold engine, or should I be more concerned? -Richard
  4. Yes they were both cracked. One right with the "normal" hairline cracks, the other as wide as a fingernail that ran into the water jacket. This is what caused exhaust gas to leak into the coolant. And yes it was quite a chore to find uncracked heads. The headgasket was in good shape when they were removed. -Richard
  5. I purchased two used heads with no cracks for $45 ea from a junkyard in NY. It took a while to find heads with no cracks, but worth it I think. I think those little cracks could possibly spread, which seems an unnesissary risk. -Richard
  6. A couple monthes back my 92 loyale wagon was spewing a foamy coolant in the middle of a trip back through the rockies. My head had cracked to the water jacket (1000 kms after taking out a water pump) and I thought it was the death blow as I was getting sick of putting more $$ into her. However it was in good mechanical shape otherwise. So after looking at all the options I decided to have it fixed. I had a friend who owns a garage do the work for a decent price, and sourced all the parts myself (big savings!) with the help of many from this board. Now I know I could have done the work myself but I just did not have the time and needed my car. Here are the products I used or found. - Felpro head gasket kit from Shucks in washington $129.99 ($362.00 at the parts store locally) - rebuilt lifters from mitzpah (http://www.mizpahprecision.com/index.htm) for $6.50 ea ($75.00 ea new elsewhere). There customer service was excellent and they shippped right away. - Used heads (no cracks, not even hairline) $45 ea from NY. They wanted $150 ea locally, and were very difficult to find, like hours and hours on the phone. - 6 hrs shop time @ $55 hr. - oil, coolant The heads were good enough to not require any machining. While the car was on the hoist I had him flush my heater core, bleed the brakes and install a new front axle. The car now has aprox 2000 km's on it with cold B.C. 4wheel driving in mountain passes and ..... runs like a charm. No ticking, no leaking! It's amazing. I had to put in a new battery as my old one prematurely died (warrenty) and I need to replace my heater core as I only get luke warm air at the best of times even with a new thermostat, core flush with prestone coolant flush and a hose in each direction. So that kind of sucks as I hear it takes about 6 hours. Oh well. I love the "new" engine. My mechanic had never worked on an older model subaru before, and loved the push button 4wd. He tried to get it up to temp, and it took him 5 times longer than any other car he'd ever worked on. Overall, I am very happy. Thank you all sooooo much for your prompt and accurate help. This forum saved me $$$ and from scrapping my car and buying somthing else. regards and happy holidays, -Richard in Rossland
  7. How do I check this? When I move the selector from hot to cold, it works, just not as dramatically as I want. MTSuby - $10 ? New? Wow! GeneralDisorder - Yes it was flushed both ways, right in front of the firewall. Indrid cold - I remember that being on a gl wagon, not a loyale. I think? Thanks all. -Richard
  8. Hello All! I think I need to replace my heater core as I have flushed the coolant with a hose, chemicals and replaced my thermostat with no help. Even with the engine warmed, I still get mildly luke warm air. So, I think the next step is the heater core, unfortunatly. I am not looking forward to this job. So, does anyone have a good price online for one? Tips or thread links? Thanks all! -Richard
  9. Well, here are a couple subie pics. The snowy ones are from my old 92 loyale in the rockies outside canmore ab. There was so much snow I was plowing it. Man I love 4wd's with new snow tires! The other is the "new" subie. It has my 3 bike rack, but will have ski racks soon! I carry: 30 metre tow rope tire chains tool kit (sockets, pliers, vice grips, screwdrivers, wire, tape, zip ties, allan keys, hammer, leatherman, electrical tape, and more) wind up led flashlight (no dead batteries to worry about, so rad!) extra oil extra washer fluid colapsable (sp) shovel gloves candles and lighter flares traffic triangles extensive first aid kit bits of rope and bungees water (i know, it freezes) ice scraper and snow brush lock de-icer passport (hey, you never know when you might need to flee the country ) $20 air pressure tester dog stuff 2 fleece blankets 1 large garbage bag 4 small garbage bags paper towel I think that's it. I love the storage under the rear seats and in the rear compartments. I will take a picture one of these days. Both our cars have a list like this in them. -Richard
  10. Yep, I already bought some. Thanks for the reminder though -Richard
  11. Thanks for the info Mike, and yes i moved back here for those reasons. In regards to the package offer, I think I will pass for now. However I may be in touch come spring if it is still around. I found some heads for $140 us, not cracked and shipped to GF. I found some lifters for like $40 that are rebuilds. I am just short on time, and I don't have the extra $$$ for another engine. Although it sounds like a good deal, and is probably a good thing to have around. I can get the head job done for what I had planned on the first go round. In the last year I have replaced: Timing belt, water pump, oil pump, plugs, wires, now heads, lifters, gasket set. I hope this engine lasts a bit now, I have too much invested for it to die again. But in the summer I'd like to build up a spare. So, mabye we'll talk then. thanks Mike. -Richard
  12. Mike, Or is it just a block with heads, and all the parts to make a working engine? I am still interested, but I need to hear from you. 250-362-5360 -Richard PS: Grossgary - Thank you soooo much for the info. The folks in NY were great. Even with shipping it's still less than ONE head locally. What is wrong with BC? Why is it so much for everything?
  13. Hmmm mike, you're tempting. So, let me get this strait. I give you $400, and you give me a complete rebuilt engine that has been gone through? What is it out of, Milage, what kind of shape are the moving parts in it like (bearings, lifters, cam, pistons, rings, timing belt, water pump, oil pump as I just had the latter 3 things just replaced)? Does this include the efi stuff? How much time to remove the old engine and "pop" the new one in? Will you give me some kind of warrenty? Are the heads cracked at all? Will you deliver it to GF? I guess I am just concerned about putting in a high milage engine that has been shined up, you know? What can you say to put my mind at ease, I am interested? What timeline? Can I have it next week? -Richard
  14. Hey zefty. I just called them and they have non on their shelves and don't have the manpower to pull engines. Grossgary - Where in the us for $50? A number or business name is essential! Hey Mike, How much for just the heads? A word to the wise - Avoid WESTERN AUTO WRECKERS (250-354-4802) in Nelson as they just screwed me. I talked to them a couple days ago, and they went hunting for heads. They found they had one left one that was good. I asked an employee (lisa) if she knew of another yard that might have one, she passed me to a Jim who said he would try to track one down, no problem. I said "great, but I'll still take yours." So I give it a few hours and call back. I get the owner who says that's not jim's job, and gets angry with me. As if I knew or cared. So, I say I am still wanting the head, what is the final cost with shipping. He gets all pissed off, claiming I am trying to screw with him about price. That he's told me 4 times already (untrue) and he doesn't trust me now. I say "look, I've got my card in my hand. Let me pay for it. Let's get going on this." He says "No, I am not selling to you." So this carries on for a bit, However I really need the head, so I keep tring to reason with him. Like what did I do to offend you? Why are you doing this? This makes no sense? So I hang up, calm down and call him back. He is still being an A**hole. Now he's being ruder. So I figure, whatever, i'll find another one. But the frustrating part is that I need that head. I can reuse my right side, but the left is what's really screwed. And he said it was mine 3 days ago. What a liar! So avoid him if you can as he is quite volitile and unreliable. So, who's got great leads on heads? Even in the US. I am desperate. -Richard
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